That Density is of the Traits that FD and I are gonna try to pin as we go.
When I first hit the Deep Chunk crosses it almost doubled the weight on the same height crosses..Looks like you have one of Them...:clap:...bud traffic jam..everyone sitting up the other ones tail end...
She isn't wasting an inch is she...:booya:..
im really bad trying to figure out smells xD
very hard to explain but maybe
It is hard to describe the difference between the Two...but if you had them both would understand the difference..
sup guys a few more shots Durrtydragon so smelly gives me a headache
This makes Me Think it is the Incense..:dance:..I
LOVE Incense....
i say watch the second DD soil/nutes for best test that has my never fail
Wormcastings/coirbrick as soil u see the health of DD and alf#3
Yeah..I Never use pre-fert...
The only soil additive I normally use is clay hydro balls..I used to use perlite...
for some reason it has started to irritate my skin..:no:
ill take many shots for ya i wont pull yet
what about when i pull what
should i do ?
Just the Normal...she may take a little extra drying with that density...
Actually..are we Daft...Test Bud her...:smokebuds:....
that will give you a better idea if she is ready/over amber or not...
Looking from here..she is will know better by Effect..
How Old is she..I was taking a Guestimate that they would be nearer 10 weeks under light..
a small pot may make for a faster finish..
---------- Post added 10-27-2011 at 11:25 PM ----------
BTW..I'm Loving your ALF#3 too..she has Lovely balance..One of My favourite phenos...
Was it a Bailer selection or a JM selection ALF..?