Waiting for one more seed to germ then I will post a few pics and more info.
That sucks.Update 10/1.My Stardawg will no longer be in my test grow because of a mishap involving flying insect spray that I used to kill some fruit flies.I sprayed a little in a trash can that had fruit flies lingering around then the next day I saw some leaves getting spots and curling up.The intake fan going into my grow room must have pulled in some of the bug spray and the fan was pointing at the Stardawg.It started to get worse every day and stunted her so today I decided to toss her.I am germing another Green Crack and when that gets going I will post more pictures of her and the other one that you see in my previous post.So my advice is to never spray anything near your plants because this could happen to you.I'll be back in a few days.