U make me want a net lol

U make me want a net lol
Haha that sounds like a sick chat up lineBeautiful
U make me want a net lol
week 8 update Pic and video update of both of my dutch passion mokums tulips there both doing great at day 57 the soil girl keeps on trucking and her coco sister is like frosted in sugar
2 outdoors in soil and the one tulip indoor and i still have another pot indoor with 2 different twenty 20 strains in 1 potFrosty bitches mate, well done on them,
They are a sparkling
Thanks for the Rep too its appreciated big time.
Outdoor girls are stunning too, this heatwave that's apparently coming might be the ticket to finish them off.
How many soil pots you do this grow, in & out,
Keeper-lit mate
Something in the water lately its had a few of us hasn't it.. Shit times bro but at least you save some. Heart breaking init brofurther update from my mokums tulip and i think this is all my fault as in that corner maybe she never had the best airflow i found a tiny bit of mould so i just cut the top that was infected off so no worries and ive only posted this to let you folks know to keep the airflow going View attachment 1353633View attachment 1353634View attachment 1353635View attachment 1353636
Yep I’ve had my share of the dreaded lurgie always a corner 1Something in the water lately its had a few of us hasn't it.. Shit times bro but at least you save some. Heart breaking init bro