Dutch Passion Dutch Passion "10no Outlaw" Fem/Reg Germination/Propergation Report.

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Dont know what these attachments are 92 to 96 but they aint mine.............AB........but i did get this little handy gadget.........an infra red thermometer, just point the infra red dot at the suface you want the temp of...........handy, and it reads water temp at the surface......
Four of the seedlings ar roaring away at a great pace. They are all mid green in fan color. As they are on EC 1.4 cal/mag buffered silicon added to RO water. They could take 1.8 now !!........and go a deeper green in the fan leaves fat sativa.

I will be leaving them until the 14 December, a 5wk veg period. I am not yet decided on topping, or pinching out the 2 super stars as yet. But it worked for charras, how netted around 400 from 4. here are the little "Outlaws" with a new "Extreme Auto" brother now to Yey.

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This is a culmination grow. The culmination of all i have have learned since 1st joining AFN in Aug 2011. As you can see from the condition and tight inter-node spacings, afforded by the new violox 400 59k lumen, you dont get that from a 600 standard !!. They are under 580w of 7 spec led & 400w of osram violox nat t super, veg. 12/12 14th December, changing up to a 600w dual spec 600w sunmaster, giving a total of 1180w. They say trials are run under 1000w for best outcomes, we will see.

The airpot are amazing,......they get rid of unwanted water very quickly allowing o2 in quicker. The medium is also quick draining into the RTA trays, soil temp is 25c 1st 200mm depth. The New Outlaw Fem Reg is bang on and hardy to. Very pleased at this stage, they like to get root down first, here comes the first veg stretch. 26c at canopy 55RH EC 1.4, AN cal/mag Buffered RO, silica added, PH 6.5. 18/6LD. 30g potash soil buffered per 15ltrs. Canna Terra, Ryzotonic & cannazym combi. Nitric PH down. from what ive gathered, the outlaw will show the haze aroma in buckets full, so got a much larger pheat filt to cope. Auto feed, 1.25mins twice a day at 6am/6pm.

Nxt update; when i go 12/12 in 2 and a bit weeks from now. AB......

Dont know what these are but they aint mine..........someones got my outlaw 28 day pips !!.......if its you let me know !!........these are nice indica but not mine, they aint big enough :check:
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Hey AB might not be a bad idea to wait a little on the pic posting seems that with the restore they are not all coming through!! GReat weekend Mate!!
Hey AB might not be a bad idea to wait a little on the pic posting seems that with the restore they are not all coming through!! GReat weekend Mate!!

Thanks for the help INH............yey DP mods.............i know some people have migrated,..........but i like the site very much. Ans aint going no where.!!........here is a braisen update just to prove it........

me Lady's..........at 12/12 1st day, post 5 wk veg stretch.........with a slight 'Wiff" of Haze coming in to.........."Bob" has shone through,..........rear right 6 shot. Note; the front 2 where under a 400w Phillips the rear 2 are fully under 600w led 7 spec........see the diff can it all be pheno/geno outcome differential ?/...........im doubt full...........

6no outlaw update day 28  and end wk5 veg 1212 on 12 12 12 012.jpg
6no outlaw update day 28  and end wk5 veg 1212 on 12 12 12 013.jpg
The 6 shot, shot........:hot:
6no outlaw update day 28  and end wk5 veg 1212 on 12 12 12 021.jpg
Just 1 more, front left, under 400 new Philips MH, they say it give closer inter nodes, that i can vouch for........is it just a smaller pheno/geno..?/.......
6no outlaw update day 28  and end wk5 veg 1212 on 12 12 12 016.jpgeither way atm i need the 400 to keep cab bang on 26 at canopy, which it dose nicely, cheaper than a heater etc.......AB......10-14 wks to go........
Looks good AB. From the grows seen on AFN I reckon the leds produce taller plants, but not spindly and stretched...:2cents:
Sorry I'm late AB.... Here for the duration.

Thanks for looking in Hazy,........that s spurred another update !!..day 42 O/A. 7 days into flowering period 12/12 started 12/12/12 !! on 12/12. Im off now till Jan 30 so should ave bit more time, watching the outlaw do it stuff !!......getting fat and building up salt in my 'Root Section"......

They are loving the RO water, correctly buffered. Only 2 showing slight over-water claw..as they all get same auto dose ea, 230ml twice per day. The EC is 1.4/ph6.5, res temp 23c, RH 46%, 26c canopy. The carbon Dioxide in air is 485mg/Ltr Air/1 The two little one will be re-potted to 11ltr, and run outside the cab on a 400w 27k. As they will still produce a little !!........and the room is air-con !!...

Here they are, i have a bespoke adjustable individual table system for the outlaw, this keep the canopy level at all time for all 6 outlaw. The two rear right middle right are the biguns......standing 680mm high atm.....great structure in the pheno/geno......outlaw.....80% sativa,.......showing no nasty sensitivities or deficiency's atm ....luvin this bit of kit Tony.
outlaw 7 days into flower 12 12   19 12 12 001.jpg
and the largest.......rear right......
outlaw 7 days into flower 12 12   19 12 12 002.jpg
a long way to go till 2nd week of Feb13.....
outlaw dp fem reg.jpg in the meantime, a sugar coated bowl of frostiness !!....to dream of !!........but a do have a bowl of SK1 until then !!......AB.....
Using one of these now......
infrared temperature gauge 38 99.jpginfra red thermo,.......amazing what you can find out with one of these !!.....me cab temp at bottom is 21 and 29 at top !!......leaves 24.5c that good then !!...........water in re 23c....point at light for temp etc....blinking handy tool.....grease monkeys use em...AB.....
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hi auto,

that growroom looks very nicely organised. I like the idea of hight adjustability for the plants. With your way of thinking a scrog grow would be something to think about one day. Lets hope the rest of the grow goes well for you bro. Please check out the Dutch Passion weekly blog, there are a couple of recent ones from some OutLaw test growers

DUTCH PASSION Fem/Reg OUTLAW Day 17 Flower day 54 O/A

All is fine, however 1 of the 6 is showing "Over Water sensitivity" as below;
day 17 outlaw flower day 52 oa 001.jpgprobably the auto water system, 200mls twice per day, at 6am & pm 400mls day........12/12.......over-water claw. no burn at 1.4 ec RO water buffered.:thumbs::check:

Other than that day 54 the big one is 900mm 90cm tall and now on floor of cab !! as i 1 other.........hazy smell abundant now........lots of flower sites already, another 8wks to go !!...........AB...........loving the outlaw.......Tony....

all the others are now flowering nicely;
View attachment 160481
LED side lighters 30w ea......
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and the 2 runts of the 10 pac, i kept on in the end, under dual spec 250w hps, no claw showing in these either;
View attachment 160483...........two little OUTLAW..........short but fine fettle.........AB.......

PS; when posted only the top attachmant showed as pic..........can you see all 4 pics ok.............have they uploaded properly can you see them ???..............Auitoberry......
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