New Grower Durban Sunrise Maiden Voyage

***Bud pics Update***
So we harvested our Durban Sunrise recently and I wanted to share a few pics with you all. My local hydro store does THC testing the first Saturday of the month and I was lucky enough to catch them for a test. Twenty six percent total THC with 2%CBD, not too shabby. I’m pretty excited about this strain, and may see if there’s a photo version. I still can’t get these autos to dense up the buds like my Gluesniffer photos do. Anyway here’s a few pictures. I know how everyone likes pictures. View attachment 1444788View attachment 1444792
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***Bud pics Update***
So we harvested our Durban Sunrise recently and I wanted to share a few pics with you all. My local hydro store does THC testing the first Saturday of the month and I was lucky enough to catch them for a test. Twenty six percent total THC with 2%CBD, not too shabby. I’m pretty excited about this strain, and may see if there’s a photo version. I still can’t get these autos to dense up the buds like my Gluesniffer photos do. Anyway here’s a few pictures. I know how everyone likes pictures. View attachment 1444788View attachment 1444792
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what was the final dry weight of the ds :confused1: ppp
i got about 12oz total out of the three plants.

:thanks: congratz on the harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) and keep an eye on ur alertz the next coupla dayz for another lil surprize :eyebrows: ppp
I can’t figure out how to get to the profile. I can’t display the badge yet