New Grower Durban Sunrise Maiden Voyage


Cultivators Club
Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

So I just wanted to start off with a grow journal of my Durban Sunrise, I’m new to the forum and plan to be a contributing member.


This journey began on New Year’s Day, I went in search of the best genetics I could find locally and turned up a couple packs of Twenty20mendocino seeds, one pack happened to be Durban Sunrise, a strain I’d heard a lot about but have never actually laid eyes on it. Anyway I soaked them overnight in a shot glass and into the paper towel the next evening when they showed a tiny split of the seed shell. A couple of days in the paper towel showed the tap root and into the soil they went. I chose a #5 pot from my buddies nursery and Roots Organic soil, one thing though, I had a bit of Strawberry Fields left so I divided it equally between the the pots, I’d say 2 gal each or less if I was guessing. But I thought it might help it flower. During this same week I was expanding my grow a good bit, I moved a Marshydro 2x3 out and moved a Gorilla Lite 4x8 in. These pots sat on the cool floor in a mostly shaded room for a couple days while everything was being adjusted, possibly slowing the germination. On the second afternoon my AC Infinity fan came in allowing the projects completion and the vegging plants were moved to the 4x8 to flower while the mars was set up to start seeds, clones and Autoflower experiments.

January 9th Baby’s first picture


January 19





Don’t pay any attention to those gluesniffer clones in the background
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Welcome to the forum! You will enjoy the Durban sunrise. Got a jar in cure atm, this one smelled even better than the first one I grew. And don’t worry, they are naturally dark and will show purple naturally!
Welcome to the forum! You will enjoy the Durban sunrise. Got a jar in cure atm, this one smelled even better than the first one I grew. And don’t worry, they are naturally dark and will show purple naturally!
This is my last one, girl before this was twice the size!
Thanks for the welcome y’all.

wow that this is almost black it’s so dark. Great news, we love the colors when they show up on purpose. This will be our third linage from Twenty20mendocino, we’ve ran gluesniffer, and now these DS, but I also have one sole survivor of pre98 Bubba that’s a photo, but I’ll share that grow some place else if there’s a photo section in the forums. Sorry I haven’t ventured out much on the forum yet
I've never grown Twenty20 but there are a lot of genetics of theirs I want to try. You have to append a smoke report after the cure, just sayin'.