New Grower DukeMP first grow ! Indoor/Outdoor !

Apr 16, 2020
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Hello brothers and sisters :jointman:,

I'm really happy to join this great community. Learned a lot from this forum. This will be my first grow ever. Bought 32 autoflower seeds. First few weeks I want to grow indoor and then outdoor.

Started germination 28.04.20 :


Used 7 ph water, kept in book closet for 18 hours in the darkness. On other side of the closet door I placed heater to keep 25°C (77°F).

After 18 hours placed all seeds in the wet paper towel and left for another 36 hours in 25°C (77°F) darkness.

After 36 hours:


Day before planting I cutted inside plastic beer cups for less stress transplanting in the future. Filled with soil 180g each cup and sprinkled with water. Cup with soil and water weighted 250g. Waited till next day planting.


In 01.05.2020 I planted all my seeds into 0.5l (17oz) plastic beer cups and placed under 4 cheap fluorescent bulbs. How much did it cost and how to connect them you can check here. First two days 24 hour light, after that 18-6 hour light.




Watered for the first time. Added 2ml Biobizz Root Juice to the 1.5l (50.7 oz) water and splitted for all beer cups. Room temperature 22-25°C (71-77°F).

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5th day from the planting 05.05.2020

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Do I lost those 2 ? They came out last.

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And what about this one ? Do I need to do something ? Is it double shot ?


Approximately 60% are same size, 40% little bit smaller. I tried to keep bulbs 5 cm (1.9 inches) away from plants at start. But what I should do now, when 60% are taller than 40% ? Should I lift bulbs those 5cm (1.9 inches) away from tallest or smaller ones ?
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im in.
@Global Moderators
do any of you have fluorescent exp? id be clueless on seedling advice with those.

the babies are looking great so far duke.
and welcome to afn
looks awesome mate, very nice work!!
Double Tap in Zombie land mate !! I'd grow them together because I've never tried it (seen it done) and strongest plant will dominate. I watched a strain hunters video on youtube and the growers there plant 5 seeds at a time in same spot and one that makes it is surival of the fittest and thats plant( for seeds), or as Donald Trump would say " i grab all the models by the pussy to increase my odds one will sleep with me, billy boy " <--- sorry yanks he's to easy to mock.
If you do want to split them I'd think this would be time to do it with no roots growing together (I'm sure it's happen before to someone here and theyll have experience with the double tap and good answer for you). In my experience and I'm lazy I have never worried about a little height difference as much as how strong light is on seedlings or clones when new. Just my 2gram opinion mate.
Day 8
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I changed broken ballast and now back on 4 bulbs. Thanks to @Master_gRoshi advice, I pasted all plastic beer cups with black garbage bag material to protect roots from light. Gave 1.5L water with 2ml root juice on Day 6 and 2L water with 3ml root juice on Day 8. Seems that they start to drink little bit more.

IMG_3751.jpg This one grew up little bit, but still looks like I will loose it.

Next week will be colder weather outside, so my biggest concern right now is when to transplant to bigger pots and move them outside. I want to keep all next week inside. Right now my biggest plant has so much roots:

IMG_3743.jpg IMG_3744.jpg

Can I keep them all next week inside without doing any harm from not to transplant them to bigger pots ?
Thank you all who replied, have a good harvest brothers and sisters !
Day 10
Day 10
Gave 2.5L water with 3ml root juice and added half table spoon Epsom salt.

Checked weather news today and I am little bit worried now. From tomorrow it will get much colder, some cold cyclone comming. They are saying that even snow possible. It will go to 0 degrees at night. Only at 19.05.2020 weather will be back to normal atleast 10 degrees at nights. Should I transplant them to bigger pots to keep them inside and then transplant second time to final pots when they will go outside ? Too much stress ? Or just keep them in 0.5L plastic beer cups and hope that warmer weather will come earlier ? At day 19 probably those 0.5l plastic beer cups will be full of roots. I understand that there are lot of opinions about pot sizes, but I am looking for some golden middle way for maximizing yields. Relying on your experience brothers and sisters and hoping for warmer weather.
I'd transplant into a larger pot so they don't get root bound. Let the smallest one stay in the cups another couple days.The guide I use for transplant is, when the leaves are as wide as the pot, they are ready to transplant. At that time, the roots have reached the bottom of the pot but is not root bound.

Use a 1 or 2 gallon pot. Then again, transplant when the leaves are as wide as the pot. with a careful transplant you may see growth in less than 24 hours.

Day 11

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Still stressing about cold weather. This will be probably last Gorilla grow, too complicated.