beautiful blue colours there duggy, I can almost smell the Blueberry. A very respectable looking haul there, well grown!
Make extra space for the AU bro mine is at day 53 in a 15L and towers 5FT and that with me bending back 8 middle stems that over shot my LED very big girl indeed :tiphat:Another day or 2 drying for ABB then a tent clean out and Auto Ultimate will be go before the weekend...:smokebuds:
:tiphat::tiphat: i would LST early on the next time i grow it out shes still going north and ive done a nasty trick to keep her low and part snaped 5 tops simular to my AWW except this was done by me intentionallyHow about 2 in a dr60....:smokebuds:
Yeah Duggy these AutoUltimate are big ole plants..Have you had a chance to see seymore's yet. The fellas grown himself a Christmas tree.