Dutch Passion Duggys next ABB

foxes glacier turds ?... mumbling dog shite ?... dumps in resies ?..:roflcry:Plants look the shit Duggy !!! :slap:
ill have to owe you a slap...given all the rep I can for today
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Cheers Cocha..:smokebuds:. The ABB knows I want her...shes teasing me.. Plain water diet will begin soon...
Thanks for the like bomb auto...:GoooAuto:
are you sure its not the wife taking the dumps bro?... if she saw you talking about other girls like that she may get jealous "no"
Thank you kindly Charles...much appreciated...:smokebuds:
Dont you just know it Cocha.. there would be mass herbicide. Trying some quick dried Double Dragon, refreshing,nice...:pass:
Nice grow Duggy, they are teasing you and you are teasing us. How is that fair?? At least you have a chance at them! Now I got Blue(Berry) Balls, or something like that. nammys Horney

:slap: While I am passing through, let me spread the love.
can't beat quality homegrown duggy, enjoy the smells!