Great Harvest and, love the naked shots She packed em tight under that shirt!!!
Had a quick observation I would like to make, please chime in you wish to add anything.
It relates to poor starting seedlings. A number of posts mention deformed early leaves and inability of young leaves to shed the seed casing. Some people provide manual assistance to help remove seed casing.
The problem may be attributed to a number of factors.
Obviously we dont want overly compacted soil. However if the seed is not planted deep enough and the soil covering is too loose, there is minimal friction applied against the seedling as it emerges thereby not providing resistance and assisting in removal of seed casing as the young shoot emerges.
There may be other contributing factors and this is purely my opinion rather than confirmed fact. Discussion of these subjects is how we will find appropriate solutions to these problems and bring Auto growing to a higher level...:smokebuds:
Hazy had also added some interesting info to his Taiga2 thread...