Dutch Passion Duggys AutoMazar in Autopots

You know Duggy, between you and Hazy, you are making me seriously consider auto pots for my new tent :thumbs: Lookin good bro :smokebuds:
Lookin good bro :thumbs: Looks like I cant get the air domes in the States :shrug:
nice branching bro.

Lookin good bro :thumbs: Looks like I cant get the air domes in the States :shrug:

Dub mate... You've probably checked but I'm sure Hazy posted a link to somewhere in the States that supplied auto pots.. Check either his Auto X thread or his latest Think Different thread... 1st post... You've prob already done this but just incase you haven't.. :smokebuds:
Nice :thumbs: Dark delight is a must try on my list soon mate :smokebuds:
Choice picks for summer grow..... Ooooh Yeah....:smokebuds:
2 of 3 will be chosen...
Happy Friday :group:

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Duggy........mean looking choices you got there...............the delight is the strongest !!........queen the biggest as there's alot of skunk in there !!.........all Fem Regs then........gunna give the auto a break yea ??...........its a lot longer with the regs, it seems that way when you go from auto to fem regs........anyhow,.........108 days is a bit more than 70 !!........good luck with the choices man !............i am in same boat to............AB.....................DP all the way though.........