Dutch Passion Duggys AutoMazar in Autopots

up and running, AutoMazar remains our best selling auto so good luck with it duggy
One of the plans for this grow for experimentation was to give nutes from the very start which I have done.
I also wanted to see if I could put the aquavalve & airdome on earlier.
I put them into action this evening, a week earlier than the ABB grow.
Lets see how they like it.....
I want to see it :)
Just caught up with the thread Duggy :thread: . .Mind if I take a seat? :pop:
Great job by the way!!

Best of luck :gthumb:

looks like a nice grow thus far, Im jumping on for the ride and looking to learn as much as possible

she is looking good bro.

we are pretty close with our grows (4 days apart)

keep up the great work.
