New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Who doesn't love a freaky lil thing... fattening up!
Lovely Ladies they are.
Just got done with journal good job.
Looks like your going to get some good smoke and looks like yeild will be good.
What more can you ask for I'm going to give that soil a try.
Thank you for the time spent to share we do appreciate it.
Anytime southerngurl. Im still learning and the kindsoil is so simple. Yes, i hope the smoke turns out nice! Would like to try extraction or baked goods.
I got no smell after topping with soil. It sure stunk in the bag! Seems like great soil too. There are a lot of beautiful plants being grown with it right now. I'm sure super soil can be made by anyone but i am not that knowledgeable.
I got no smell after topping with soil. It sure stunk in the bag! Seems like great soil too. There are a lot of beautiful plants being grown with it right now. I'm sure super soil can be made by anyone but i am not that knowledgeable.
Cool. Thank you very much. I can live with that. I was reluctant to buy the kind soil because of the bad smell throughout the whole grow.