New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Because he is a tight ass! Lol, annnnd he is a stoner. Yeah, i wasn't happy. Im tryn to get a solo cup bean to sprout too. Good luck with that :shrug:
OMG. I could understand keeping the house cool and wearing a sweater. BUT, when it comes to the tent, I'll burn half the house down to keep them warm.

Okay, I may have slightly exaggerated
Yeah, he doesn't think about that stuff really. If i dont give him specific instructions he just does what he wants. Its been colder than normal here so its difficult to keep lights out temps up without the heater. He would rather have it on him in front of the tv....
Yeah, he doesn't think about that stuff really. If i dont give him specific instructions he just does what he wants. Its been colder than normal here so its difficult to keep lights out temps up without the heater. He would rather have it on him in front of the tv....
I guess being a tight wad, running 24/7 is out of the question
Yeah. I'm going to stay on him. He knows the rewards for a good grow so its an incentive. Its cheaper than buying! Ive turned the extraction fan down some. Had it higher due to humidity being way up there.
Because he is a tight ass! Lol, annnnd he is a stoner. Yeah, i wasn't happy. Im tryn to get a solo cup bean to sprout too. Good luck with that :shrug:
Is she not coming up?

That's good if that's all it is though! I was worried for a minute he might have heating trouble.

Do you have any seedling mats you can put in the tent? They do a lot for ambient temperature..
Yeah, he doesn't think about that stuff really. If i dont give him specific instructions he just does what he wants. Its been colder than normal here so its difficult to keep lights out temps up without the heater. He would rather have it on him in front of the tv....
Can you move his TV into the tent? :smoking:
Can you move his TV into the tent? :smoking:

Hahahaha, i just need to put his pipe in there! I don't have anything like a germ mat to help. May plug in a couple cfls though. Thank you for your nudging of me brain cells.

Im feeling crappy so not focused.
Hahahaha, i just need to put his pipe in there! I don't have anything like a germ mat to help. May plug in a couple cfls though. Thank you for your nudging of me brain cells.

Im feeling crappy so not focused.
Welllllll take care of you first!
Someone told me a few months ago about this awesome medicinal cannabutter ...