New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune


Christmas came early . got about 50 grams drying out to try this baby out!
Will be waiting for a review seen this at the local bong shop and been wanting to try er out

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Several people here have them and really like them! no guessing about temps or times. also has several recipes included. it came with a strainer and a silicone hot mit. may be about a week before I use it since i had to order lecthin (spelling?) to add in the mix.
Day 14, sorry I dont update all the time. seems like im in everyone elses threads more than my own. still water and a little recharge . plus, one application of the optic folar with another this afternoon when the lights come on.
Day 14, sorry I dont update all the time. seems like im in everyone elses threads more than my own. still water and a little recharge . plus, one application of the optic folar with another this afternoon when the lights come on.
no need to apologize for that bro. I update alot less than you.