New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Fairy Frost by Portal
First grow and journal that is 49 from the first bean breaking the soil. Using 2 Marshydro 300 led, 4x4x7 mars tent, 3 gallon smart pots, biobizz soil and Dutchpro nutrients. Have a Phresh filter and hurricane exhaust fan, 4 inch.

Looking to make a quality grow as i have tried to be cautious so i can learn.

Currently one girl is 49 days and one 44 days. Neither are huge, 16 and 11 inches from soil.



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The girls are from CK, candy cane and early miss. Have been fed Dutchpro nutrients.

I am doing this with a friend who can benefit from the medical part of the grow.

I have a second grow cabinet almost finished for my house, but its gotta be stealth. Will post it here when finished. Please ask if i have left anything out as i am a noob!
I have to post about how i got here. It started with a twitter feed from a prominent smokers magazine and that led me to a different forum than this one. I lurked, read alot of journals, and got ideas. What impressed me was one persons, among several, willingness to help others. Everyone wanted to copy his style and grows.

Then he kinda vanished until a few others said, he is just gone from here (there). Well, since his wisdom was the best in my opinion, i found AFN and the person that was always helpful.

That helpful individual is Atrain and im thankful for the guidance and inspiration that was shared. It motivated us enough to invest enough to try for ourselves. Thank you!
The funniest part of it all is my friend that is part of this did NOT believe that i could get seeds. He would not buy lights or a tent until i showed him seeds in hand! Lol, now he is sold hook line and sinker. If i could only get him to mix nutes it would save me many trips to his house.
Thanks Pablo, i have some Dutch Passion, fast buds, and a few others to try. We are eager to see what other strains will do. I am dying to get some of the new Mephisto seeds... but i have enough on hand to last a year!
I guess i should post feed and watering. I am alternating a feed with a light water in between. Both are getting 1 ltr with nutes. Older girl is getting 2.5ml of Dutchpro Bloom A &B, along with the take root and multi total -1ml. Also calmag and silica. She also just got her first dose of explode, .25ml.
Little sister is getting the grow a &b, 3ml, and all the others except explode.
We will water each one 1/2 ltr distilled water in between feeds. Both are drinking it up.
We started out slow and light on nutes, since we had a few ph issues early on. I like the Dutchpro nutes so far.
Looking good @Dudeski ,do you have a ph pen and ppm meter,those are good to have ,a digital thermometer with a hygrometer is also good but not a must have,those are usually really cheap(like 10$) my ppm is a Hanna model and was about 25$ my ph pen is a blue lab and was about 80$,you can get by with a dropper style kit tho ..water til you get some runoff (so salts don't build up) ..and when mixing nutes put the cal mag in the water first..I'm subbed up ...peace
Thanks @budelee ! I have both pens and finally started using them. Its scary to see what the ph was of the feed mix! Lol, but thats how we learn. I also learned to not let the ph pen get dropped into the water. The tap water is good where i live, 7.5 and low ppm so that helps. And its its constantly being bubbled. I will certainly be looking forward to your help!
Thanks for coming along for the ride.