Ducting question

Yeah, sounds like a tough situation. I hear you on the economics thing too. Not exactly a cheap hobby to do it right. My business is slow right now as well, and I am not spending anything on extras.

So you're in a literal closet? Is this a house or flat? And do you own it? Or renting? We rent cuzzzz Los Angeles is dumb. So my options are limited to tents only. Plus you have the legality issues as well I presume.
Spot on brother absolutely correct. I added an electric heater because it dries out the humid air. I ran it for 5min and the temp of closet jumped to 30c haha far too high. But the humidity went down to like 40%. Those heaters use crazy electricity. Right now, my temps are at roughly 27c, humidity hovering around 55%. No doubt as the temperature continues to drop, the humidity will raise
A 6in intake is enough for a 5in exhaust. Same kinda thing as how much bigger a large pizza is then a small... Really just opening up the vents around the bottom is enough air. Unfortunately with constant air exchange you'll never get the tent at a lower temp or humidity then where you're drawing the air from. If the room your tent is in is 65% then your tent will be at least that. You can try to run the intake with the duct in a big cardboard box next to the tent but only will help a little. You're probably gonna need to get a dehumidifier for the room outside of the tent. Is the room outside the tent noticably more humid then the rest of the house? That would be a sign your exhaust isn't getting out of the room