New Grower Drug test

Jun 19, 2012
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So I quit my job last week as a PACS Engineer (Medical Imaging I.T.), to take a 12 month contract job at FedEx making a shit ton more money. I am going through an I.T. recruiting agency and they hooked me up with fed-ex. I filled out all the paperwork, passed the background check, now I have 48 business hours to take the piss test. So from basically, I have until Tuesday at 2:45 PM- 3:00 PM to get this drug test. The drug testing facility is very close to my house and I have actually have taken at least 3 piss tests there. Normal piss test shit, walk in, empty your pockets, go into the bathroom, don't turn the sink on, don't flush the toilet and bring us your urine. Thing is this time when I was at the recruiters office today filling out the paper work they said it would be an instant test. Would that mean a dip stick type piss test or a mouth swab? My step-sister took a mouth swab test and smoked like 2 days prior and passed, but she used Listerine every night. If any of you remember the Wizz-In-Ator, I still have one and it's in good shape, I have the heating pads, temperature gage, and 2 or 3 clean buddies pee that will give it to me when I want. So, I have the piss part down, but what about a mouth swab test? I've never even heard of that for THC or Marijuana. I thought that was just Alcohol. If anyone has had any experience with an "instant" drug test please give me some advice, I'ma kinda nervous, about to go do my own research.
Drink lots of water a day before and up ontill the test it will make your urine diluted but it will basicly be water some testers know when this has been done. Nothing they can do if you drink lots of water if you get dehydrated a lot!:D
A few tablespoons of vingear in 16 ounces of water. I did it for a job I got 2 months ago and they send theirs off. Came back clean. I've done it about 6 times and I have passed everytime.
If its a mouth swab test than all you need is. Good 12 hours without smoking and you should be golden. Take your wizanator just in case. I've had instant piss and mouth swab tests before so it could still be the standard piss test.

Good luck! Let us know how you made out
If its a mouth swab test than all you need is. Good 12 hours without smoking and you should be golden. Take your wizanator just in case. I've had instant piss and mouth swab tests before so it could still be the standard piss test.

Good luck! Let us know how you made out

+Rep Thank you for the most logical response, actually taking this seriously, and reading my initial post. I take a few illegal benzo's though (Xanax), so how do I handle that? Just stop 24-48 hours before the test? I'm really hoping it's a piss test because the wizinator is flawless.
It's not just the smoke tainting/coating your mouth, the insides of your mouth sweats it all right back out of your tongue and mouth. pray for a piss test and take that fake gear.

LOL benzo's , got bored of them when the docs started throwing more varieties than I can take. Got to the point where I would slurr my speak and be unable to pronounce some words and even to the point almost drooling. run into corners that I swear I'd missed. family blamed the weed :clap: I thank it..

Don't take it if you don't need it Bud :peace: Like most said, Water, Water, Water.. Goodluck!
The benzos are not gonna be so easy with a mouth swab. You better hope for the urine test or lie and tell them before hand you have a prescription...but then you might have to provide proof.

Good luck still
i have an instant piss test before...from the probation officer...all i did was go to their restroom piss in a cup bring it to him and he had a test stripe that he used right there in front of me...this was a couple of years i'm not sure if it's the same kind of test or not...i've never even heard of the swab test before...i know at the wifey's job they do hair test every six months...but that's not insant...i think your best bet is to use your Wizz-In-Ator!...hope all goes well for ya bro!!..:D..:smokebuds:
Mrnicesmoke is probably dead-on, also a cup full of diluted wizz is a huge red flag for the testers. Drinking water is not illegal, but they know the game. Maybe different for professional career, but I have been turned down for a job before because of diluted wizz