Droopy MI5 auto flower in kratky grow

Jul 9, 2021
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I'm trying my 1st Kratky grow with auto flower. It's been doing fine but yesterday I noticed the leaves starting to droop and today its getting worse. The roots are in plenty of water with no algae on the roots or in the water. I changed the light from a 100 watt light I use for veg to a 600 watt light I use for flower. The nutrients I'm using are General Hydroponics MaxiBloom 5-15-14. I haven't used anymore nutrients. I added some some distilled water last night hoping that would help. I've actually got it growing out of a 1 gallon jug of distilled water that I cut the top out of. I started the plant in a rock wool cube then put it in a net cup with clay pebbles aka hydroton. The roots have grown into the water nicely. I don't understand why it's drooping so. There are some brown spots on some of the leaves as well that might br related. Anyone got any ideas for a rookie?
@Wildwoodweed :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Drooping leaves is usually environmental. Too hot, too cold with RH to high or too low. A lot of this form does not apply to your method but fill out as much as you can and Picture are worth a thousand words.

Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)

-Problem: (brief description)
-Medium/grow method: soil; soilless-- coco, or peat based like Promix, etc. (please provide the actual product name); DWC, NFT, etc.
-Feed and supplements used: include brand, dosage/strength, frequency of feeding and watering (alone); method-- by hand, drippers, rercirc' or drain-to-waste,... N-P-K #'s too if you can!
-Water source: RO/DI; tap- dechlorinated-?..... EC or TDS reading; pH (don't bother with this on RO/DI, do bother with TDS/EC though to confirm it's working well enough)
-Strain and age
-Climate: night and day ambient T and RH%; res' temperatures; any extremes in T/RH% exposure
- Light used: HID, LED, COB, combo of,... wattage; light cycle hours (20/4, 18/6 , etc.); distance to tops....
-Additional info: PH in the root zone. How long have the plants been affected?...How fast did symptoms appear?... Anything else you think might be relevant..

--Pictures including WHOLE PLANT PICS, and troubled leaves.. use normal light or flash as other light sources ruin color rendering, critical for diagnostics! Turn off the grow lights.

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(copy and paste)-->


Medium/grow method:

Feed: and supplements used:

water source:

PH in the root zone:


light used:


Additional info: