New Grower Dried Pistills ??? tiny calyxes !!! What is this ? Destruction

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello Afn
Well my web is back right on time I need your help friends.
I guess the Scunk is lost but I wonder what may have caused this to avoid it next time. Pistills come out with burnth tips calyxes are small and many but they do not fatten or produce resin and finally get dry and stop growing. dry bud.jpg
Is it because of temperature that was above 30 C sometimes or too much nitrogen really confusing.
Please any Ideas anyone ? :hookah:
Hmm not sure hit up the live help thread ..get us some better pics in natural light?
well this is another one really dry no resin think too much nutrients may have caused it1d .jpg it start in my chemdog as well. shit
damn bro thats a weird one. Could be your nutes im thinking.
Looks like over feeding.What and how much did you feed her?
Thanks Namvet
well Iam giving almost half dose of Advance Nutrients series. My other strains were not affected at all. I must buy I ppm meter.
I did also have issue with my ph. ph meter needed calibration so I fed them with 6.0 ph could that also had an effect?
My medioum is 25% coco 25 soil 50 perlite. And I need watering often and always use half of what the company suggests.
What is actuall the ppm I must have for autos especially those sensitive tot nutes?
Thanks mate
Regular soil mix ph should be as close to 6.5 as you can get.Your running an almost soiless mix with coco and a lot of perlite.Next grow I would recommend a 60%soil,20% coco,and 20%perlite.Also added mycorrizae would be great.
I am a master gardener and am very experienced with plants and growth issues having staffed the information desk at a major garden center for a decade. But I am a complete newbie growing marijuana. With that information shared, my first thought when looking at your images is that this could be a virus. Viruses often display their effect by misshapened and contorted leaves and sometimes with very shiny surfaces. Sometimes the virus shows itself at plant maturity and sometimes early in the growth cycle. I suppose it could be a nutrient problem too but from the information you gave I would suspect not. If it is a virus, be careful not to infect your other plants with cutting tools. And do not smoke tobacco around your plants which could possibly cause tobacco mosaic virus! It can with tomatoes, but I am unsure about marijuana. Could be a genetic mutation too I suppose.

Like I said, I am a new pot grower so take my thoughts as just an idea.
That is the Tobacco Mosaic Virus, very nasty stuff. Weird as you are the second member I have seen with this now.