Damn White flies are killing me!!!!! so I got these.

The Pest: Whiteflies

First Sign: Tiny, pure white "moths" resting on leaf surfaces. When disturbed, these moth-like flies quickly flutter up, then settle back down onto plants. Leaves may appear shiny with honeydew. A magnifier reveals clear-white "scales" (the pupae) on the undersides of leaves. All stages of Whiteflies suck plant juices.

Most Common Species: Greenhouse Whitefly & Sweet Potato Whitefly. It's so difficult to be certain which species you have, that we advise either consulting your county agent to be sure, or simply widening your predator strategy to cover both species - it's not uncommon to have both pests together.

Special Species Notes: What finally kills plants with a Whitefly infestation isn't usually the Whiteflies, but a black sooty mold that grows on their accumulated honeydew. By this stage, there'll be clouds of Whiteflies. This is the time to rinse any shiny honeydew off the plants with a strong soapy water spray to prevent sooty mold from growing.

Greenhouse Whitefly Control:
Whitefly Parasites

Tiny Whitefly Parasites (Encarsia formosa) lay their eggs inside developing Whitefly pupae, so a Whitefly Parasite hatches out instead of a Whitefly. You'll need a magnifier to see them, but they spell death for Greenhouse Whiteflies, and they provide some limited control of Sweet Potato Whitefly as well.

Sweet Potato Whitefly Control:
Whitefly Predators

Whitefly Predators (Delphastus pusillus) eat from 150 up to 600 Whitefly eggs a day! It takes them about 30 seconds to eat a Whitefly egg; slightly longer to eat a larva. They especially prefer the eggs of Sweet Potato Whitefly and Silverleaf Whitefly.

Other Controls: Some customers also report good results with Green Lacewings or Pirate Bugs.

Most Effective Release Strategy

Greenhouse Whitefly Control:
Four Parasite Releases, Two Weeks Apart.

Sweet Potato Whitefly Control:
Six Predator Releases, Two Weeks Apart.

Parasites - 1,000-3,000 per 1,000 Sq Ft.
Predators - 300-500 per 1,000 Sq Ft.

Applying Parasites:

Your Whitefly Parasites arrive packaged, ready to hatch, glued to small, perforated cards which you hang among plant foliage. Parasites work best when temperatures average at least 68 F. (add daytime & nighttime temperatures and divide by 2). Parasites emerge as adults within 2 weeks and fly off to hunt for more Whitefly pupae to parasitize.

Applying Predators:

Simply shake them out of the container they come in, onto plant foliage. Best at 65 - 90 F.

Enhanced Strategy:
Sticky Yellow Traps.

Whiteflies are strongly attracted to the color yellow. In fact, you really shouldn't wear yellow clothing around Whiteflies or you're almost sure to carry them from plant to plant. Our Yellow Whitefly Traps are coated with a long-lasting sticky substance and the Whiteflies just fly right to them! This is an excellent secondary tactic, especially when intense infestations need to be knocked down in a hurry.
I have a skunk mag with a ad in it they have made a complete yellow trap that covers the whole pot it is round I am not sure if it comes in different sizes but it looked like a great trap. Does humidity play a role in the development of them or lack of development in white flies if you can keep your RH at 35 to 40 per cent I there less chance of them
From what Iv noticed, no they thrive well in my climate. And even better in the prefered Cannabis climate ?

They showed up to day also, gonna turn them loose when lights come on tonight.....
And looka here GoAuto6 baby dragons

grow#2 005 (640x480).jpg
pop I grew out a cheesus and it was the coolest weed ever! pure cheese taste and smell even the smoke smells like cheese! it grows like no other dragon and if you smoke it with your friends they have lots of questions.. Ga will tell ya i forget what he used. Carmella?
Cheesus Is a cross swampman did the F1 cross with Sweet Seed's Sweet Cheese and Mossy's Magic Dragon now at F6

Product Code: TBC-CD
Breeder: Terrestrial Bean Co.
Strain: Cheeus Dragon
Type: Auto-Flower
Lineage: Sweet Seed's Sweet Cheese x Mossy's Magic Dragon taken to F6
Seed to Harvest: 80 days
Yield: 300-500 gr/m²
Potency: U/T
Sex: Regular Breeder Notes: A Strong Afghan influence with a musky cheese flavor and aroma. Chunky buds with a large main flower.This is a great med smoke works wonders on pain and appetite


Product Code:
Breeder: Terrestrial Bean Co.
Strain: E.T
Type: Auto-Flower
Lineage: LaBella Afrodita x FrostDragon IBL to F5
Seed to Harvest: 60 - 80 days
Yield: Up to 80+ grams per plant
Potency: U/T
Sex: Regular Breeder Notes: Strong medical properties at 90 days