I just started growing. Ordered IAF from YKW. Nine out of ten sprouted. Been moving them outdoors according to season/rainfall. Finish indoors under two Y-Grow 600 watt LEDs(great lights.) Finished 1st one in 10 wks, but 12 week version much tastier and deeper, dynamic high. Harvested one after 9 wks and the high was very nice, too, more cerebral and uplifting, not the ambiguous stony, sleepy high of the others...maybe I will harvest the others early cause I like that zingy trippy early high better...but in general the weed is very good and very strong. One only got to be 10 inches tall, harvested after 6 weeks to get it out of the way...great high even that young, but only about 2 or 3 joints worth. Others are between 14 to 26 inches tall, autoflowers are small, I use at least a 3 gal bucket with holes drilled in the bottom, make my own soil mix with earthworm castings, etc...LST is super easy and by God it seemed to double the yield. Outdoor ones seem to adopt a more piney/skunky smell, natural breezes maybe? Season is waning so next batch will be indoors.