Dr.Feelgood in 2X4 tent


From a stoner community with a farming problem
Dec 3, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Blue Himalaya/Dr.Feelgood/Red Dwarf/Micron Auto Tao
Hi Folks I'm new to AFN and have been following the threads for a while now.

I plan on growing some Dr.Feelgood (regulars) in a 2x4 tent.
I'm anxiously waiting for my 2 new Mars Hydro TS1000W's to try out in the tent.

I prefer expaining my intent and have you comment based upon your experience and advice.

My previous experience has been growing photoperiods outside ( 40 odd plants).
A couple of Russian ruderalis indoors to make a reserve on seeds as well.
Cloned 200+ from my mothers and made a DIY dwc cloner with Walmart parts (grinning).
So, I'm not completely new to using an ec or ph meter..

My medium of choice is peat ( promix HP).
Nutes used in the past with success has been General Hydroponics, CalMag,Mycorehizea etc...

My present grow is 6 Blue Himalaya(reg) which are doing ok, now flipping from veg to flower as of this writing.

Here is my plan (please correct as needed, and all comments are welcomed!):

The Blue Himalay did well in 1 gallon pots, so I'll do that again with the Dr.F.
Germination is done with the paper towel method until 1/2 inch or 10mm...then plant.
I have a heating mat which is kept at 23c, roughly 76F....germination through flower.
The tent (2X4) is kept at 22c or 75F with a 6 inch fan.
ppm is adjusted to 150 at seedlings, and progressively incresed to 800 through veg.
My feed cycle is feed, water (RO+Calmag),...feed,...ro...feed..ro...etc..
PH is adjusted at all times to 6.2 to 6.5

So , my question is...
What is the prefered light cycle?...20/4....18/6....12/12?
Is 6-6.5 PH alright for RO & feeds?....(please explain your run off technic)
How well can I expect the Dr.F's to respond to nutes,....feed low ppm...or push them?

I listen to my plants and still in the learning curve about Mg or Cal deficiencies...(yes with the rust spots on leaves!)...over feeding with the burnt tips etc....oh brother.

I thought growing pot was gonna be an science not an art...
Enjoying the ride and reaching out for advice from more expeience potheads than me,
Cheers from the Great white north,
I have not grown in promix so I can't help you on that.

Are you growing autos? If so I would probably start at 20/4.

I have a Cal deficiency currently on my plants that was either or related to pH and CalMag strength.

In promix hp I prefer my ph at 6.5 - 7.0. i run my autos at 24hr and photos at 18 and 12,
Hey Damien50,
That looks like a very nice grow so far.
I agree, looks like a Calcium defeciency.
I guess the best you can do is re-stablize the Cal situation so it doesn't get worst.

And to answer your question , yes the Dr.Feelgoods are an Auto from Short stuff seeds.
Those I choose to grow are regualars, so I can get some seeds to mix into hybrids later on.
Short Stuff have great reviews so far from what I've learnt on the web.
Congrats on your grow.
What strain are these we see in the picture?
Hey Damien50,
That looks like a very nice grow so far.
I agree, looks like a Calcium defeciency.
I guess the best you can do is re-stablize the Cal situation so it doesn't get worst.

And to answer your question , yes the Dr.Feelgoods are an Auto from Short stuff seeds.
Those I choose to grow are regualars, so I can get some seeds to mix into hybrids later on.
Short Stuff have great reviews so far from what I've learnt on the web.
Congrats on your grow.
What strain are these we see in the picture?

@Machamillion has me thinking it was K now lol.

Ace Seeds Zamaldelica x Kali China fem photos.
Machamillion, your comment about the K vs CalMag is really good.
Unfortunitly for us newbs,...untill we actually see two leaves compared side by side in the save video...you know what I mean!
Some of the members on this site had a great arguement ( lets call it that), about the Cal/Mag situation,...such that it is one or the other,,,not both.
This is good learning for all.
What can you share from what you know about K deficiency?
Thanks for you input BTW!
Notice the green out to light green on the k defc, as opposed to the light green to dark green on the mag defc.