
It's all about the Trichomes
Apr 18, 2018
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I decided to do some experimenting and grow two Mephisto Double grape Autos one in soil one in Coco Coir. For the record I know that only growing one of each isn't very scientific or anything I know the strains vary in grow characteristics this is just for some fun and to see the diffrences that come out of it.

  • Soil is 50/50 fox farm happy frog and ocean forest with some perilite and added worm castings. And I use the fox farm trio nute line along with botonicare cal mag.
  • Coco coir is Canna coco with 50% perilite with a tad bit of worm castings. For nutes im using Advanced nutrients ph perfect sensi grow and bloom
Both seeds were germed and planted same time and I will be doing LST on them when they are ready for it. For lighting I have 2 - 400watt Cob LED and 3 - 300watt panel LED all Roledro on 18/6 light scedual.

Lost pics of germ and seedling stage so im starting at 2 weeks and on to present
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the coco is the lighter color green one the soil one has been trained a bit the coco one didnt transplant as easy so she's around 4 days behind i just started training her last night. And she's passing the soil one right now
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Hey bro, I am also using LED's. At what point do you add Calmag in your grow? Oh and how much do you add to a gallon of water?
I usually start the cal mag at the transition unless I get a deficiency before then but almost always its when they first start to flower. And i give them low doses at first like 1/4 teaspoon and work my way up to 2 ml. What type of led lights you using COB or panel. I have both.
Double grapes looking good. I've only done coco so will be nice to see difference between the soil/coco grow.
Double grapes looking good. I've only done coco so will be nice to see difference between the soil/coco grow.
The coco is definitely the bigger healther plant the soil one just flowered the coco is still in veg. Ill update with pics later tonight. These advanced nutrients sensi stuff is impressing me thuss far. I also have a double grape 3 weeks ahead of these seems to be a nice stain for indoor growing. How was yours after you dried it?
What was your yield like with your double grape and what nutes do you use for your coco grows?
For the Double Grape grow I used AN Sensi Bloom A&B, Overdrive & Carboload. I was over 80g dried not including the larf I'm saving to make some tinc.
Not a big yielder then huh? Im thinking of getting voodoo juice or big bud to add to increase yeild .