Sweet Seeds Doobies WONKA Vision ! 3 Sweet Seeds Strains

Hi doobieasthray

Looking good my friend, thanks for the updates ;)

Sweet smokes!

Thought I did 2 updates here already LOL oops:bong:but here we go..think the cal/mag problem is under control now..no new yellow.We have movement upwards and hairs all around and starting to flower on the RP thicker stalk then the rest BC looking good too..They seem to like the LED tent but nodes are way closer together moving them down a bit. RP DSC_0013_NEF_shotwell.jpgBCDSC_0016_NEF_shotwell.jpgSCDSC_0017_NEF_shotwell.jpg
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Nice to see you got the cal/mg out of the way. What did you use to keep it at bay?
TY briain..I started to do foliar with epsome and molasses on top of the cal/mag+ in the feed.Seems to be keeping it at bay..Ill add a lil more cal mag to the feed see if it fixes the issue..but im catching it better.
Hey brudda! :D: Good choice of mixed foliar spray,... the lights make it very hard to see the color breaks,... got a regular lighting shot for us, just in case?.. did you find tan spotting randomly spread over the leaf surface?...I can't see any, but,... I do see the edges yellowing...was more likely a Mg or K issue, than Ca (spots are classic symptom); regardless, it sounds like you quelled it early! Foliar is a great way to go, especially when blooming,.. if you sharpshoot the spray! I'm having to do that on the one Ca-Mg hog MoB, late in blooming.... symptoms were partly masked by the normal yellowing of the leaves, but the spots or very dark/browned-out patches start, it's time to bust somethin' out,...:wiz: *** I notice on the RP's that towards the top, things compact quickly after the stretch slows down,.. everybody's RP seem to have heavy bones....** looks like the inverted pot rig is working nicely, ay? the SC seems happy! :stylez rasta smoke:
Looking.on tract bro.
Gotta get here more often i.missed some

I do believe Most of the Sweet line likes to sway to Cal/Mag more.than N they go so fat in.growth tbat they need Dem.Minerals.to keep there Hype

Just ma :2cents:
:D: Swampy, he's trying to kill us with threads!! LOL!! Doob's en fuego ahora! :coffee break: :hot:
I do believe Most of the Sweet line likes to sway to Cal/Mag more.than N they go so fat in.growth tbat they need Dem.Minerals.to keep there Hype
<--- ayuh!!
Yea I feed cal mag every feed always..just not enough I guess lol ..so many ladies in dif stages..love it lol keeps me moving and thinking..But I have some fast movement check it out SCDSC_0031_NEF_shotwell.jpgBCDSC_0061_NEF_shotwell.jpgRPDSC_0056_NEF_shotwell.jpg
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Doobie, i think you need to flush them.. you have salt accumulation in the soil and that is the problem, the plant doesn't gets the correct nutrients..
Hope with this she can gets better!