Doobie Wonky Vision, aka Capt'n Doob, aka Doobie Davis Jr., with the wonky glass eye... :roflcry: ... this is
, as in Super Mario bros. nemesis, not to be confused with Waira, that's some other cat! ...
not aka Ghost Buster, aka Dr. Claw, the Midnight Humper-Fighter LMAO!! Hey now, don't be pullin' a Dubbya Bush move and choke on dem pretzels!!
Yah, I hope the pot trick that gave them a few more inches of depth will make the tap root happy, and gimme some bigger plants! I'm f*cking fed up with the damn midget farm!... no matter how much I like shoving my nose into their smelly parts... :roflcry:
Did that BC come back around after drying out? ... hmm, had a SC seed misfire, ay? No worries, "flood tube #2!- fire torpedo#2!" LOL! RP larva is doing well I trust? fire us some pics, mate! All 5 of my Sweets (yeah, on the sly I fired off another RP, Sw. Special, and a HR GhD/C99,... shhhhhhh! LOL!) .... the lights
are helping boost them some! Knockin' up a branch on the RP with a dragon could be rock-star awesome, huh!.... :brow: