New Grower dolomite lime question

Fantasy Island

8th Year Anniversary
Feb 26, 2015
Reaction score
Ok so I mixed 50/50 ffof and ffhf and with my accurate 8 meter it reads 6.8ph. Should I add the dolomite?

Thanks in advance.
If it was me since you have the Accurate 8 I would wait until you see the pH start to drop below about 6.2 - 6.4. How quickly it does that will depend on your water, use of cal/mag etc. You don't want to push your pH too high
Thank you oldster. I will be using ro water. I do have cal/mag and I do have a water ph tester also I see a lot of people making their ph of water to 6.5 is this correct
If you are going to use RO water you will want to add cal/mag with each watering. Yes assuming you soil is around 6.5 setting your water to about 6.5 is what you want to be doing. Check the pH of the water after adding everything and allowing it to sit for a few minutes. It seems to work better if you add the cal/mag first and then any other nutes you plan to use.

As you soil starts to move away from the 6.4 area you can adjust the pH of your water higher or lower to help compensate. You will get the best reading from the Accurate 8 about mid way between waterings. Also realize that your pH will drop right after watering normally and rise as the soil dries so a range of 6.0 when you water and 6.8 when the soil is drying out is fine.

You also may want to put a bit of the mildest soil in the center of the pot where you plant the seed or seedling, this gives the root a mild start so that they can slowly grow into the richer soil

Post some more details when you have a chance so folks can understand your growing environment

Good luck
Thank you I certainly will I would be lost with out you guys. All I have to do now is hang my door and add the exhaust and I'll be ready to start my grow journal.

Thanks for the help:Sharing One:
Fantasy..What are your gal?...I'm just learning..After reading I find diff strains like diff home ground.Like oldster said the more info the better this experts can help,and use newbees can learn..

Fantasy..What are your gal?...I'm just learning..After reading I find diff strains like diff home ground.Like oldster said the more info the better this experts can help,and use newbees can learn..


Delicious black rose
Ultra lemon haze
Royal haze
Easy Ryder

I will be starting a journal real soon and I'll be putting everything into it.

Sounds like a plan ..hope to catch it and fallow along...
