Outdoor Doc's Entries in the Outdoors Summer Comp

Shiva [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and her companions enjoying the sunshine yesterday.


Today seems to be a temperate and sunny day also - little Nashira, 3 days old, may come out today and experience Gods HPS.

Sure, @FullDuplex, I will learn one thing at the time. I'm reading up on pollen and pollination.

What I will do, is to pollinate the lower part of the plant with Stone Dragon × Black/Amnesia Stone F2. The upper buds I want to smoke.

Well, almost missed this! I smoked the 'buds' after taking seeds out when i was doing a breed and it was very good smoke! Totally recommended! @FullDuplex nice to see some new stuff directly by the dude! And doc feel free to tag me in when you open threads its hard to keep up here but i found your threads very informative and nice to watch! Sooo i out again folks, and as @tobe says happy growing!
Here you go, @tobe!


Successfully FIMmed and flowers in regress.

As you can see, the first attempt on FIM was just a hair cut.

After disrupting the apical dominance, she is branching out nicely.
@Dr. Babnik Glad I found your outdoor thread, and get to see some of our great breeders' work being grown by you. All looking great basking in the sun.

Hey Doc
All starts with a vision (dream ). You got my full support if you start breeding.
Test some strains that fit your vision. If you found some take a look around for reg seeds you want to use. Tell me what you like to have in your cross and send me a pm.
cu tobe

Same goes for me. I may indeed have something to fill your needs
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WJ is happy. Big flowers now.
My pollen is stuck in the mail. Probably dead by now.
If I am lucky, the letter arrives today. I will let her have sex when the pollen shows up.
Hey doc
Thanks for the closer shots, she looking real good nice structure.
Happy growing
cu tobe
She is comming along well!
Now we just want her to grow 4 nice branches after the FIM. I hope she branches out like the GG [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] mut. The mutant will yield well.

The other efds x oa is placed on the balcony for now. It did nor look very good 4 days ago, but out in the fresh air, it looks good again. I think it is another fem, but not sure. When I have harvested the Atomic plants, I'll put it back and we find out.