Outdoor Do you plant seeds straight into outdoor soil and let them sprout inside?

Gee if carrying the starts out to the woods is a problem with a bag of compost then what will you do when you need to water. Maybe in the UK it rains more than it does here as we get dry spells. One of the most common used vehicles we see around here is a 4 wheeler with a 20 gallon tank mounted and a rack to carry starts. The racks I always suspect are the hand baskets from the grocery store. Every kid seems to have one. Maybe they sell them at Walmarts what do I know. I always take mine out in a one gallon pot of soil will well established roots. It isn't carrying the plant out that is the work it is digging the hole and keeping it watered around here.
well thats good advie nelson as that is the best way... but most places dont have the luxury of being conspicuous.

@Johnny... I was just yanking them out of the soil starts (33 CC 5 inch deep starter trays)
but this year I'll be "loose cloning" them... its easiers...

use like a 32 oz Dunkin Dognuts cup
fill 1/3 with soil
clone 8 or 10 or even 12 clones around the edge and in the middle... in moist soil... put the clear lid... in a bout a week each cutting should have roots starting on it...
take and plant... make sure soil is good where you're planting and ph is on point or close...

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here in uk there are many hydro nute shops, try www.growell for nutes, seedsman for seeds, as for uk stealth grow in uk or anywhere you need to research your plant and avg light times for the months to get the plant in and pre flowering at the correct time to get the correct light, usually sept/oct here some earlier, also if you have a torrent programme download the growers bible here, its just that http://extratorrent.com/torrent/2630436/The+Cannabis+Grow+Bible+REALPDF.pdf.html this is a must have book, here in uk as i say do resaerch into strains times etc, something down south or here in east may need to be a earlier long growing plant or planted later as we get more sun than say scotland, reserch mate, change 6 ins of topsoil,as muddy says, as for nutes during flowering indoors after years of trying i use a cheap 2 quid bottle of tomato food with high p k