Outdoor Do you plant seeds straight into outdoor soil and let them sprout inside?



Hi just a quick question planning on doing a stealth forest grow, what should
i do, let them germinate and sprout at home then transfer em or plant the seeds straight into the ground. Also should i dig up the soil and use my own. Finally what nutes do i need for my plants and where can i get them from in the UK
You'll greatly increase you chances of success if you start them indoors. Start them early enough so that they have 5-6 sets of true leaves when you transplant. Then start to move them outdoors gradually, a few hours the first day, increasing daily till they are outdoors full time. Depending on the quality of the top soil where you are going to plant, you'll probably want to amend it. Dig a hole and remove about half the dirt. Replace it with some composted manure and perlite. Don't know what nutes are available in the UK but look for something high in N for veg growth and with less N and more P and K for flowering.
Hi just a quick question planning on doing a stealth forest grow, what should
i do, let them germinate and sprout at home then transfer em or plant the seeds straight into the ground. Also should i dig up the soil and use my own. Finally what nutes do i need for my plants and where can i get them from in the UK

I'll let you ask more questions but, yes best start is inside like muddy says, if you cant do an indoor start the second best is to make a cold frame outside in da bush... If you cant start in a cold frame then... germ your seeds at home, be prepared before germ to plant.... then take your seeds to the grow site in paper towels and direct sow your pre germinated plants. now keep in mind lots of critters love sprouts...namely mice, I would pre trap for mice with your common mouse traps 3 or 4 around ground holes. or bring decon mouse killer and cover it so it stays dry so the local mice can all die... Outdoor direct sow is possiple can be done but has its risk... more seeds the better, great for someone who makes there own seeds...
ok ill let it sprout at home then transfer them. Any ideas how to transfer them in a back pack without killing them?
In a wet paper towel in a ziplock, in a hard case... like vcr box or similar...
Yeah, a small box will fit in your backpack. it has worked for me and many other stealth growers.

I recommend watching "Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow Guide" and "Brown Dirt Warrior"... very educational and entertaining at the same time, good stuff.

Jorge's stuff is much more educational, but Brown Dirt shows some strategies that may come in handy as well.
batterz, I have been doing guerrilla grows for about 10 year now. I always use pvc tubing. It is cheap as hell and you can glue a bottom on to a 6" round piece of pvc tubing and my 5" jiffy pots fit perfectly inside of one with a little room to spare when taking the plant out. The soil doesn't get everywhere and the pvc protects the plants like abank vault. As for the germination, do exactly what Muddy said. The only place I differ from his opinion is I like to get my plants to about 12" high before I transplant. Best of luck!
also... a tool box or cooler works well for starts... cooler is usually less conspicuos when "hiking" or "fishing" or what have you...

On my clones... I get em about 6 or 8 inches tall... then shake the soil from the roots and pack em in a tool box with some damp paper towels around the roots... then pack em in and place em... water well and give s shot of grow nute... usuallt get 90-95 % survival... and you can pack 100's in that way.

Of course.. I wouldnt reccomend dojng that with autos... too much shock for such a young seedling. After my tests last year... Autos should be started indoor IMO unless you have a more outdoor geared type auto like LBH's hazes or Stitches super autos... they have more time to establish and get rollling. of course... climate is a huge factor also.
the ol tackle box and fishin pole with a good long story about gettin away "from a shitty wife I really don't have" does work pretty good. I tried packing some transplants "from another area I was thining out" in my tackle box a few weeks ago. I guess I'll try again and use wet paper towels this time, I think last time the plants I was transplanting died in the time it took me to get to the designated grow spot.

Could you elaborate a little more on the process JM, I'm sure this would help me and a lot of others out a great deal.
Maybe it really is as simple as it sounds and I'm just reading into it too much. but I like the sound of this working. It will save me the trouble of having to carry a bulky combo of plants and their medium.
transporting transplants without soil sounds great, the soil is just so bulky and always has me kinda paranoid. It'd be nice to not have to carry a backpack while out "fishing", I always plan on telling whoever has to know that the backpack is for that monster I plan to catch and hope they don't have me open it and expose a strange box in my bag.

I like hiking out with soil packed into a backpack with some pumpkin and watermelon seeds so if they do find the soil, I can bs them with not having enough space for gardening large pumpkins and watermelons at my own property. it just seems better then getting caught carrying backpack filled with a load of soil alone thru the woods. So far "knocks on wood" I haven't had to give any explanations. I'd like to keep it that way, but I always prepare myself on what story I will give if it comes down to explaining my actions.