Do Si Dos (Day 85) &
Nicole Cream Auto (Day 93)
DSD isn't far off now
I'm thinking another week, although her leaves haven't lost any colour yet so it could be longer, that's assuming all cannabis plants lose colour? Her colas are fattening up quite nicely though, just wish they were a bit longer and a few more of them
She has a really nice fruity GSC smell at the moment, seems like most strains nowadays have some sort of kush or GSC in there genes somewhere, well most of the strains I've tried, but then I've only been growing for a year and a half, I still have quite a few strains to try, 1000s in fact
Do Si Dos View attachment 1161995View attachment 1161996View attachment 1161997View attachment 1161991View attachment 1161990View attachment 1161989
As for the Nicole Cream, she is still going strong at day 93
I'm still thinking she'll go to 100 days, although her trichs are getting quite cloudy now and pistils are getting redder, so we'll see. I'm guessing putting her on a 12/12 then 13/11 light cycle has got something to do with her longevity, but whatever it was, it's certainly helped her grow into possibly my biggest yielder yet
fingers crossed. She is also smelling delightful, not sure what she smells of but I think she's one of the nicest I've smelt
Only changes I've made were to dial they're feed down to half strength as there was a fair bit of tip burn at 3/4 strength and I also had to retie the NC as her colas are starting to fatten up and she was starting to flop quite a bit
Nicole Cream Auto View attachment 1162009View attachment 1162010View attachment 1162008View attachment 1162007View attachment 1162011View attachment 1162012
I'm moving house in 5 days, so I'll probably update again when I've moved in, unless I take one of them down beforehand