Jul 12, 2019
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The only nutrients I used is dry organics
4-4-4 Do I still need to flush?


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That is certainly a debatable subject. With flushing, you will find the yes camp and the no camp. I don't worry about it. I never really tasted anything different when I did try flushing or when I've used nutes to the end. Through my lifetime, cannabis has never been a particularly "smooth tasting experience", so I don't flush.
Flushing is a silly concept, but some will still swear by it.

I grow organic in soil and with nutes in coco and i never flush. With synthetics I dial down my PPMs at the end but that is about it. People will talk about white ash and all that, I get white ash just the same. The most confusing part is people that support it cant tell you how it works. I mean if you believe in it the problem is how does it work?

I cant believe that people think that you feed a plant synthetic nutes or organic amendments for 50 plus days then a day or two of water will somehow force the plant to pull the salts and chemicals out of the buds of a living plant and puke them out the roots.

Phillip Morris is not flushing tobacco plants out in thousands of acres of fields. If you want smoother cannabis worry more about the dry and the cure.

Sorry rants over I will get off my soapbox. NIce looking plant by the way.

Flushing just starves your plant.
He says Cannabis has never been smooth but he doesn't flush:crying:. Flushing is a two week thing not two day thing. You guys make me lol sometimes.
The only nutrients I used is dry organics
4-4-4 Do I still need to flush?
i lower my ec or ppms down the last 2 weeks seems to work great for me and ive not bothered with a flush or lowering the feed and with a small cure have noticed no difference at all but i lower it to save on newts i use remo feed-in coco
He says Cannabis has never been smooth but he doesn't flush:crying:. Flushing is a two week thing not two day thing. You guys make me lol sometimes.

2 days
2 weeks
Flushing still is not necessary
But maybe it is to the under educated.
But glad ya got a laugh!!
But since this is in the new growers area....
Do more research
Educate yourself
Then decide if you wish to be good farmer
And push your crops with hi ppms
Then deprive it for the last few weeks of life
Be a great farmer and learn the best for your plants so they can continue to flourish to the end.
Do a side by side and make your own choice.
If your useing bottle nutes cut back by 3/4
If it’s a dry just keep watering
Enjoy the journey
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That's why your smoke is harsh and nasty and my smoke is smooth and sweet. But if you don't do the flush right theirs no point in doing a side by side. Maybe we can just agree to disagree instead of starting to insult each other. just seems like the adult thing to do.
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I feed to the very end. Seems counter-productive to not provide optimal nutrients exactly when you want the most from your plant, a last dying effort to pack on bud mass and resin, and the trichomes reach maturity. Since flushing doesn't seem to have much significant impact, with so many not seeing any difference with and without it, I favor feeding the plant, going for maximal bud mass and resin build-up vs. presuming or hoping that not feeding will somehow cleanse the plant, will make the resulting buds more 'natural' vs. containing synthetics, and/or that nutrient levels will somehow decrease within the densely-packed cell mass of buds.

But there could, theoretically, be some basis to expect some reduction in some mobile nutrients in some tissues if the plant is starved of them long enough. For example, theoretically giving no N for a period will result in lower amounts of related soluble nutes in some tissues; commonly seen as fan leaves turning yellow. Whether such loss of nutes is significant, such as is fully localized in the yellowing leaves or not (affect the buds?), or even matters (after drying and curing), it seems nobody really knows. What's happening with the buds, trichomes, etc. (what really matters) has apparently not yet been quantified and studied with cannabis.
The only nutrients I used is dry organics
4-4-4 Do I still need to flush?
:toke: -- With organics, generally no need,... that myth buster thread covers this pretty well. Organics are slower release, microbes are key and more intimately involved because they help break down, convert and cycle the components into forms which the plant can take up... Of course, it's not smart to pour the organic nutes on heavily right up to harvest either too, even that can be over done-- yes, organics can cause burn! pour a shitload of composted chicken or bat manure on the plant and it will fry the plant, right .... Also, the medium isn't typically as heavily loaded up as it can be with synthetics; plant take in certain nutrients whether they need it or not, there's no real selective process here, but they can store is (mobile nutes only, BTW) up to a point,... past that and toxicity can become apparent in symptoms... But a note should be made here first: no matter the source, what nutes go in are all the same to the plant, they take up only certain specific forms of nute ions, period, regardless of source; most synthetics are already in such forms so uptake is immediate for availability, Nitrate is nitrate to them, K+ is K+, the source make zero difference....
Mobile/immobile refers to the ability to translocate those certain nutes from established tissue to newer growth where it's needed,... Some, like most all of the micronutes, are not mobile, or very poorly so, and low levels of those should be around all the time because of this,.. for final ripening, S and Mn (both immobile) are involved with terpene production, as is K,which is mobile, but you sure want the others to be available for better end product!.. Basically, if you see you fans getting tapped out, that's a good sign. If you feed heavily, and at near harvest the plants are looking rather green and few leaves are faded, that's a sign the internal stores are still high... high levels of these nutes do make for harsher smoke. What BII said is on point,... So, flushing can be helpful under some circumstances, but IMO not always.... For sure, a few days or so nothing but water is wise, just to clear out what's in the "pipes", the vascular system getting transported... The medium you're in factors as well, if it's soil/soilless and is holding a heavy store of nutes; here is where an actual flush may be needed to purge all that excess, and allow the plant to draw more heavily on it's reserves... The term "flush" is a misnomer really, absolutely nothing is removed from the plant by that definitive term, the flow of nutrient ions simply doesn't go that direction!
The other side of that is starving for too long, IMO 2 weeks is ridiculous unless the plant has been hammer and overloaded with nutes all along, and the medium is holding a lot still...including micros',... In something like hydro, where the content and concentration of certain nutes can become depleted or unbalanced, with potential negative consequences, 2 weeks is detrimental... Even the nute manufacturers don't "schedule" 2 weeks of flush, for reasons covered in part at least, above...