New Grower Do Carbon Filters Plug Up To Point of Reduceing Air Flow

May 18, 2014
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I have an Ipower 12"x4" carbon filter with a 120 cfm duct fan pulling out of a 2'x4'x5' tent with all the passive flaps open fully. This filter is over a year old. Initially I was using a 6 tube 24" t5ho and everything worked great keeping both smell and heat under control. I have switched up to two 300 watt old style marshydro LED's, which I thought would put out less or at least only about the same amount of heat, but now I have problems keeping my heat down below 85 F. Is it possable that the carbon filter is getting plugged up and restricting my air flow through the tent, hence higher heat? Still seem to be handling the smell OK. Also, the duct fan has been running 24/7 for like 16 months. I can feel it vibrate when I put my hand on it, but don't know if the fan is running full capacity anymore either. What do you think is it time for a new fan and filter, or is it just too much heat being produced by the LED's?
Yes, they eventually build up enough particulate mater in the carbon , impeding the flow of air. Like BR549 said, pre filters eventually wear out even with regular cleaning. Check the impeller blades are clean as well. They usually do not become dirty if they are pulling through the filter, but if you are pushing through the filter, they can become extremely dirty, lowering the amount of draw the fan has.
If you've never run it with the prefilter off, try just to see if it makes a difference in the movement of the air. If it does, then get a new prefilter. I've had several carbon filters become inactive over time but never "clog". I typically replace them every 4-6 flowering cycles depending on how hard they have to scrub. It usually turns out to be about 18 good months of odor control from a carbon filter before it starts to give way in my experience. At least with the quality virgin charcoal brands.

The actual carbon filter getting clogged seems like a pretty low possibility if you're pulling the air through because any dust particles that were to come loose from the carbon should come out of the exhaust of the venting in theory.

I've got the 6x16 version of that filter from Amazon and it's held up decently but it definitely can't hold a candle to the CAN filters I've used. Even the PHAT filter I had blows it out of the water.

With all of that said to answer the question you're asking - you make a mention of 16 months so it's definitely the ideal time to replace the filter. When replacing the filter, why not replace the fan? I'd go with a 6inch filter and aim for a stronger (240+cfm) fan. Possibly look into adding an active intake with a colder air source if possible. On the flip side of it, you mention the odor control still being acceptable but if you were to just replace the fan it's possible you'd render the filter ineffective if the transfer of air was more than the filter was meant for. As well, it's mentioned in the iPower specs that the filters have a 1.5 year scrubbing life. So what if the filter's running good now, then you hit a heavy flower phase and it's not strong enough... ? I donno, I've always been a big advocate of odor control, even in legal states.