Indoor djibra's 4x4 mephisto run

Feb 7, 2016
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Hi guys, hope im starting in right place! :D

This is my small contribution to the comunity with my experience so far and I can keep some kind of journals.
Im starting this thread so we can talk about my and yours growing techniques and help each other and other people can see what happens in what situations as well how the plants it self look.
Im very excited about this because i have a feeling all girls are gonna be great as they all look super happy and healthy!

And ive been watcing all those @mephisto strains and i had to give it a go. by now im super satisfied with their communication and buissness and by most important WITH THE PLANTS.

So here we go:

  • I have a 120x120x200 grow box, the lighitning is 600w sylvania double spectre bulb and some kind of 30w (6500K) LED as a side light.
  • When seedling/vegging i use 200w grow CFL light for the first week and then switch do HPS.
  • The HPS has its cool tube that is cooled with 325cmm3 infline fan (because of summer heats- i will remove it on next run since it will be much colder)
  • 425ccm3 inline fan and 425ccm3 filter are sucking the air out
  • 125mm axial vent is for intake
  • and a regular fan to move the air arroung
  • 6 and 18 l pots


  • soil is biobizz light mix and plagron coco (30%) on the bottom of the pots are clay pebbels for drainage
  • nutrients are biobizz full range (except i dont have algamix), voodoo juice fron AN, and plagron pk 13/14

  • double grape x4
  • mystery mix x4

..about the grow flow:

All the beans were germinated as they were in water for 36 hours until tap root appeared.

Placed in ther final pots and were given water (cca. 1/2 litre per plant) until 10 days old.

Then i switch to biobizz chart and feed as suggested (1-4ml root juice, 2ml bio heaven and 2 ml of voodo juice).

The girls are feed every 48h with everything except BLOOM and TOP MAX,depending how much they drink. ammount of water is so individual on every grow so i dont find i usefull to bring the numbers :D but if you want i will give them to you

I wanted to make a test to see what diference pot size makes so i have 3 plants (2 double grapes and one mystery) in 6l pots, and other five are in 18l pots.

Also i have to be honest: a friend had acctidental seeds and i gave them a try to see what will turn out and to see how will the setup work since it was that hot (32c outside). and as all thing go that way, the seeds were male and i uprooted them out, cleaned the soil from roots made a hole in center of pot and i put some fresh light mix so the seedling dont get burned since some nutrinets came in soil. as you can see the seeds germinated well and everything came out well. cheers for @stepside for the tip, thanks mate!

Here are some pictures: :growing:

  • Mystery girl, 6 l pot( 8 days old):
IMAG4457.jpg IMAG4455.jpg

  • Doubble grape a.k.a Žuti (20 days old),6l pots
IMAG4461.jpg IMAG4458.jpg
sativish pheno if im seeing right :D

  • Doubble grape a.k.a Crveni (20 days old), 6 l pots
IMAG4464.jpg IMAG4462.jpg
sativish pheno too

  • And the babys ( 4 days above soil):
mystery [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

mystery [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

mystery [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]

Double grape in 18l

Doubble grape in 18l no.2

Thats it for now guys i will try to make updates once/twice every week, or depending on situations and what ive stumbeldupon.
Please feel free to coment/ask/ or criticize everything you wish thats whats this thread is for!

Peace aout guys and have a nice weekend
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Hi all... little update on the girls.

Double grapes il 6 l are 25 days old today, smaller ones are at their and the mystery girl is 17 days but i forrgot to take photos of her :D

Everything is going great, the temps are 27.29 at day, 25-24 at night, humidity arround 50%.
They are growing and loving life.

All are still on veg nutes, except the babys all ony on root juice and water. will slowly introduce voodo juice next watering

Double grapes are showing strong sativa dominance as you can see
IMAG4490.jpg IMAG4482.jpg mrs.yellow
IMAG4485.jpg IMAG4489.jpg

And here are the kids (4 days old)
IMAG4503.jpg IMAG4496.jpg
IMAG4498.jpg IMAG4501.jpg

Dont know what more to say :D im happy!

peace out!
Hi is update (on the smaller girls)..
everyhing is going great, except i had to throw out due she became hemaphrodite.
Tonight they have feeding time with some root juice, voodo juice, grow and heaven..

mystery DAY 7
IMAG4551.jpg double grape DAY 7IMAG4544.jpg

double grape DAY 7
IMAG4546.jpg mystery DAY 7 IMAG4548.jpg

mystery DAY 7
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Hi guys... a little update :)

everything is going cool, the smaller ones are growing and the older ladys are getting fatter :D
since saliva was flowing from my mouth on @Discretepete2676 LST i decided do give it a go...
and by now its going ok..tied down one double grape and one unknown girl ..waiting on others to strech a bit more to make it easy.
oh and yeah, small accident happend as my flowing vent dropped on one girl and bend her pretty good, but she will be ok

DAY 12 (3xmystery & 2xdouble grape in 18l pots)

last feed on friday was:
4ml/l root juice
2ml/l grow
2ml/l bio heaven
2ml/l fish mix

IMAG4579.jpg IMAG4582.jpg IMAG4583.jpg IMAG4584.jpg IMAG4586.jpg IMAG4587.jpg IMAG4588.jpg IMAG4589.jpg IMAG4590.jpg IMAG4604.jpg

i may have slightly overwatered them since the pots are still heavy in the bottom although feeding was on friday... i thnik i didnt let the soil dry out as it should (the first and fed them on friday with 1-1,3l per plant..:wall:(or maybe i forgot how long does it take to absorb in 5gal.pots since i didnt grow in them over more than a year)...

DAY 32 (2x double grape in 6l pots)

feeding today:
3ml/l grow
1ml/l top max
2.5ml/l bloom
2ml/l bio heaven
2ml/l activera

1,5l to each with out run off

The girls are doing great...Growth slowed all the way and the bud sites are getting bigger and frosty as hell!
so far in its four years of experience and over 50+ autos , at this early stage, I have not experienced such fast and intense frosting...cant even imagine what will happen in 18l pots:woohoo1:

you evaluate :) :

IMAG4592.jpg IMAG4594.jpg IMAG4595.jpg žuti

IMAG4598.jpg IMAG4599.jpg crveni

