Extraction DIY pollinator machine, and results.

Mar 25, 2013
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So first of all i should state that this machine is not my idea. And i copyed it from the originator. Website for the proper machines is pollinator.nl

All respect goes to Mila Jansen for inspiring me to make my own device.
I highly recommended you guys to check the site out.

Ok so I got gifted a lot of trim from a recently choped grow. Black kush, and some of my own blueberry and tangie ghost train. I had to dry it for about week and then bag it into big paper bags to go crispy.

As u can we was quite a bit there. Just shy off 200gs and that's after the smokable nugs were taken out!

So i spoke to my mate who gave me this trim and he said if i didn't take it he would have binned the lot!

These grabs don't do it justice. Literally caked in trichs. Can't believe it was gun a get chucked.
Still. Ok so this is my tumbla I call it.
I made her with a 24l food grade box. Some mdf rings, food grade plastic lids, food grade silk steel 140micron I think. 1m of steel thread and some bolts and rubber bands and cable ties.)

I use my Makita to turn it.
This is the tumbla, just come out of the fridge, and the trim just come out of the freezer after two hours.

The tumbla loaded up, and ready to tumble. I also chuck a few coins in their too. I quick note, don't fill up ur tumble more than a third full. othe wise the Crystal don't have anywhere to move and u don't get as good as a release when udo .

I tumble for a bout 10mins, then do the next batch. I keep doing this till it all done and I transfer the spun material into another bag to b put back in the freezer for my ice o later run.
Ok some results.
As u can see not a bad return, i didnt photograph all 6 runs, should of them box was fuking caked in crystal! The pics above are from the collected first 3 runs. Both of those pots where full but i go a bit greedy. She SO strong, reminds me of the shit I blazed in the damm when I went over the first time. The Crystal looks like white sand(high grade!)and despite a bit of contamination from a bit of plant matter all in all not too shabby I thought.

The jars are tightly packed and form little hash balls by its self. I ve been smoking it as it is and pressed into hash. I'll post that up separately.

Still not bad. It's not for smoking in the day, unless u got a day off that is. Strong and sedating. First couple puffs cool, buzzy energetic,any more and it gets hazy.:)

Hope u guys like, Comments and questions welcomed.

Peace. One


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So I've been busy over the weekend. Got to work on the ice o lator. This is what I got back after 2 runs. The first was done after freezing the trim for 5 days and then processing as normal.
I mix the trim with water (water first u don't Wana melt the ice before it has chance to bring down the temp) then ice, 3/4 of a bag. And then whizzed it up for 15mins. Let it sat for hlf hour then proceeded to pour it thru the 8 bags.
Let me say this again, this is what I got back from the 2 runs in the pollinator. I was really surprised to say the least.! Im really into the idea of getting everything from trim, and popcorn nugs. I can't believe this would have ended up in the bin.
Ok some pics

Not a bad return! I've managed to get thru them all this afternoon. sampling them that is:) what else is there to say. I'm very happy with the work put in and the product at the end.
Some nice quality smoke and all from waste! This black kush strain is fuking perfect for hash and conctrates. The waste trim I chucked away after the ice o lator process still had crystal on it!?! So I highly recommend this to the hash makers out their....
Great Do it your self project! Gotta max rep ya for the share and not takin credit for someone's work! Props to you sir!:slap:
Excellent work @xeno - amazing how much you got out of all that!

Have a look at Frenchy Cannoli's way of processing that lovely dust into more manageable and better smoking solid..... he packs it flat in a jiffy bag and rolls it with a wine bottle filed with almost boiling water..... heat pressing into a nice thin wafer of goodness. It kinda gets like that soft Nepalese hash!

I'll give you all the rep I can :peace:
Great Do it your self project! Gotta max rep ya for the share and not takin credit for someone's work! Props to you sir!:slap:

Cheers bud. Yeah. I couldn't afford her amazing machine. So i copyd her. Works ok. Cheers for the rep bruv. Peace

Excellent work @xeno - amazing how much you got out of all that!

Have a look at Frenchy Cannoli's way of processing that lovely dust into more manageable and better smoking solid..... he packs it flat in a jiffy bag and rolls it with a wine bottle filed with almost boiling water..... heat pressing into a nice thin wafer of goodness. It kinda gets like that soft Nepalese hash!

I'll give you all hte rep I can :peace:

Hay man. Much appreciated on the rep. I think ive seen this guy. I'll check him out anyhow. I tend to press as I go. I only smoke alittle bit at a time. Ill post a few picks of alittle bit of each one pressed at some point.
Very nice!
