DIY DIY Bathroom Fan Adapter

Sep 6, 2011
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Purchased some Air Kings BFQ90 about a year ago and was planning on upgrading fans. Instead i thought of a way to attach a flange on the bottom side of my BFQ 90 so i hope to seem better filtration. All it took was a 6" Flange ($8) and a drill plus some duct tape. If anyone interested ill post some pics but i wanna let you know it can be done with light modification.
I think a lot of us would be interested if you have the time!
pics i love pics.......
there it is smile for the camera
First thing i did was remove the metal attachment on the back and remove to shroud and clips. Then i took the lip that's on the side where the air blows out and wiggled it back and forth till it peeled off. Its like a maliable plastic so i just used some vice grips. Once that edge is removed you can lay your 6" flange in there. I just laid it over the metal housing and the wires. You will be adding duct tape at the end so things don't have to be 100% sealed down. I used 1"-1.5" Dry wall screws since i figured they are laying around and they would grip into the plastic. I used a portable drill and screwed down 5-6 of them. Each time you screw one down be sure to rotate the fan to be sure you have obstructed they way the fan spins. Once screws in place i went around the edge of the flange with black duct tape to seal any slight leakage. I then attached a reducer from 6" - 4" because thats what i am working with. I then mounted the fan horizontal and let the extraction port shoot out the top of the tent and walllah! DIY done.
Just be careful with the fartfans , they are not strong enough for continues use (bushings) not bearings. Do your self a favor, spend the $100.00 ! Get a real fan. Cheep insurance. To keep the fire department from comeing to the ash pile that used to be your house.
They are plenty strong enough. I've seen many cabs with these fans working just fine, and just as many expensive inline fans crap out right away. Do yourself a favor and save your $100 bucks.