Dividing stems

View attachment 965828
Is one too much too ask !!!! :)


I kinda like growing out siamese twins







That was a Ruby if I remember right.... I'd have to go look...

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@HashMaster the one I posted is Ruby x Stone Dragon.

First seed I found when harvesting! Didn't have high hopes but it popped strait away!

. I think nature telling me to just stop.. :face:

Heh, :thumbsup: 6
Maybe this kind of mutation is not so common in autos, but if you grow landraces you will see this and many more quite often.
defoliate to allow the light and air to reach every bud, give it 2 extra weeks and you will get more at the end - around a 100g (~3 to 4 ounces)
dont be afraid to remove most of the leaves. what touches/hides bud should be removed on a permanent basis since the beginning of flowering and thereafter. If it was outdoors I would suggest cutting the middle branches from the start (at pre-flowering when it shows sex).
dry the leaves you cut and use them as a herb in your food. better than parsley for sure.