Discoloring of Lower Fan Leaves week 5

Update: I did a heavy watering when it dried up on Thursday with RO/DI water. Since then, the discoloration has gotten much worse. The affected leaves that had over 75% browning were pulled off the plant. They all had very red stems. Now the plant is drooping a lot and newer leaves are becoming discolored and are curling up. Everyone has told me I overfed so I do understand that now, if anybody has any SOLUTIONS moving forward, that kind of advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks so much. Here are some pictures just taken today. discolored 2.jpegdiscolored 3.jpegdiscolored 4.jpegdiscolored 5.jpegdiscolored 6.jpegdiscolored 7.jpegdiscolored 8.jpegdiscolored.jpeg
Ouch, miracle grow....my wife's answer to everything that grows, she's not allowed anywhere near my plants.
My gf watered my plants once, never again, snapped stem and watered the leaves during a 24/24 lights schedule, lucky it was an indestructible white widow
Only thing I can tell you, from my own personal experience that is.

1- It can take 3-4 days to really see signs of changes in the plant based off your own changes

2- More nutes needed is NOT the problem with that plant, not 100% sure what is though.

Looking like that after just water I dunno, but I'd do WATER ONLY for 3-4 waterings, let it have a week to recover from the lock out or whatever was going on. But you gotta keep your ph in the right zone GOING IN. I don't care what it comes out as.

Correct water ph and only water will get this plant looking good, if showing signs of deficiency, but it will at least get it back eventually. Thats really the only solution I see.

I'm a "right now" type of guy myself, these plants are teaching my patience.
Distilled water has a Ph of 7. I'd never water w/ that!

I use DW sometimes in humidifiers.
I was having issues and I have started aiming for around 6.5 in soil and it seems to be doing it for me. I don't measure everyday, I just figured out how much gets me in the zone I want to be then wing it. But you need a baseline to be able to do that. Hopefully OP is able.
2 or 3 DROPS of a squeezed lemon to a gallon of DW will get u close to 6.5.....Shake up that gallon and water u plants.

I use 1/8th of a teaspoon of 100% citric acid powder to a gallon of tap water. My tap water was 7.7 before the citric acid.
I PH my water to 6.5. I'll do water only. Another forum has advised me that I'm experiencing leaf septoria and after googling pics of that, I'm pretty certain they're correct. Still researching how to fix but will be using just water for next week or so.

Thanks for the help.