I'm Chill
..I Know [HASHTAG]#teammossy[/HASHTAG] is gonna Win..so minor changes don't worry me...........
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No..the reasons why I'm Chill......?...it is not a Race...no-one has Anything to gain by getting a Head Start...

..apart from driving everyone else wanting to see their first Glimpse of [HASHTAG]#dinafemautocookies[/HASHTAG] Nuts......
Could be argued..since it is a 6 month competition window ..that the members who grow First are at a disadvantage..

..because their girls will be forgotten by the Finish poll....
So we are doing you a [HASHTAG]#cannabisprideparade[/HASHTAG] one weekend in January...Everyones final photo will be included....
Full Bragging rights..then we will Poll...

...so I'm Happy that starting early..will not be a problem...