Number 2 Day 64
Not long to go now :woohoo1:


#teamdinafem :pass:
OK, harvest day for #2. 88 days, 14" Been a real treat growing this gal. :smoking: Here's her competition photo.

117.DAC2 (88) Final a.JPG

And here's a couple of additional photos for entertainment.

117.DAC2 (88) Final m.JPG
117.DAC2 (88) Final p.JPG
117.DAC2 (88) Final s.JPG
@Dinafem-Mark I bet you had now idea of the size response you would get in this contest!

We love Dinafem and we love @Dinafem-Mark :kiss::bighug::toke:
Look @ the girls I've seen very little variations pheno wise love seeing the different growers methods lots of good info from everyone to see wat works well and wat doesn't. Great job so far by everyone I will be watching till the very end
@Dinafem-Mark According to 1st post in this thread ... "Competition will run from August 2019 to Jan 2020. Germination and Final photo must include a piece of paper with the Code: 'We Love Dinafem; User Name and Strain Name.' Winner will be decided by Member Poll Jan 2020. "

Of course, its your game, so its your rules. I'm sure few if any of us would object to clarification or modification. I am fine with whatever you choose, so long as I get to complete my current cup --- wouldn't want you all to be deprived of a certain winner, eh?

This has been a community adventure so I think it's only fitting that we decide the winner by a community vote :pass:

The only thing I would ask being the Dinafem moderator could I have more than one vote as picking one member ain't easy :crying:
Well its sad to say but the first Dinafem Solo Cup Challenge on AFN is winding down and what a ride its been :pass:

I'm going to have a chat with the boss and AFN admin to see if we can make this a yearly event as it's been fantastic to watch. So many variables but the main thing and best take away has been the community interaction and more experienced members helping the new comers :thumbsup:

This went above and beyond my expectations. Everyone involed give yourself a pat on the back :slap:

All the best :bong:

@Dinafem-Mark I bet you had now idea of the size response you would get in this contest!

We love Dinafem and we love @Dinafem-Mark 9:kiss::bighug::toke:

I'm totally blown away mate. I knew it would be good but this has been epic :pass:

Way beyond what I expected :headbang:

All the best :bong:
