Still plodding along...
Growth is still slow but looks to be picking up a bit on the bigger girl!
Im not expecting much to come fromthe smaller one, can't see it having that bright of a future since it's had a bad start and the root space is restricted but you never know!!


Other solocup seeds started at the same time as these for comparison...


[HASHTAG]#teammossy[/HASHTAG] ✌✌
L :toke: :karmacloud: sent!:bighug:

mark you are a young one:headbang: i can tell by your toys. we have a glass man on board, if your looking fore something fancy, you may be able to commission him to make you , or anyone else a custom piece. ……..L :cheers:

If you call 40 young mate then I guess so :crying::crying:

Is it to late to start my seeds? I misplaced them and finally found them just now. @Dinafem-Mark

Plenty of time mate, get cracking. Thanks for letting me know the seeds arrived safe and sound and no customs issue this time :pass:

All the best :bong:

Mark.. [HASHTAG]#teamdinafem[/HASHTAG]
If you call 40 young mate then I guess so :crying::crying:

Plenty of time mate, get cracking. Thanks for letting me know the seeds arrived safe and sound and no customs issue this time :pass:

All the best :bong:

Mark.. [HASHTAG]#teamdinafem[/HASHTAG]
I germed one of two last night and she broke ground this morn. I'll post pics today. It's in a smaller solo cup though it's all I had.
I have kids older than you @Dinafem-Mark :thumbsup: my oldest grand child will be a teenager in 1 year.:bighug:

My dad used to say "your only as old as the woman you feel" sadly for that to work I believe the lady need to be younger?

My wife's like 12 years older :crying:

I maybe 40 but I'm a child at heart ::bighug:

All the best :bong:

Finally got my finger out and germed my auto cookies!!!
3 cookies seeds into damp rockwool cubes then into a heated propogator
Pics are from thursday so should see some life soon

[HASHTAG]#teamdinafem[/HASHTAG] v [HASHTAG]#teammossy[/HASHTAG]
Day 20 - lite feeding of GreenLeaf's MegaCrop, Sweet Candy, & Kelp.

And day 22 before and after topping. Have added a cal-mag supplement to the feed to combat some deficiency setting in.