Outdoor Dinafem Roadrunner #2*** 5 gallon smart pot***Organic**Late season grow



Hi Everyone,
I just started a Roadrunner#2 on 9/3/12 and just popped from the soil 9/6/12 with no germination methods.. just straight into Roots Organic soil on top 75% and supersoil in the bottom 25%.
This is my first adventure into autoflowers. So im patiently waiting for this grow to get underway with some growth explosion coming around day 25. I will do some biweekly updates so i dont keep posting pics with not much difference in them.. I will wait til i have some good quality pics as i only have a camera phone to work with that is SHITTY (and thats putting in nicely).
Anyone down for the ride or has any questions let me know.

Peace and Happy growin,
a little word to the wise. Its never a good idea to do any medium in LAYERS, unless your doing a top feed. Best thing to do when ur amending ur soil garden; you should almost always blend ur soil/amendments together. it creates more access for the roots to take up nutrition in the rhizosphere, since its spread out. It also keeps from compaction as well.
a little word to the wise. Its never a good idea to do any medium in LAYERS, unless your doing a top feed. Best thing to do when ur amending ur soil garden; you should almost always blend ur soil/amendments together. it creates more access for the roots to take up nutrition in the rhizosphere, since its spread out. It also keeps from compaction as well.

are you talking with autoflowers specifically or cannabis in general? because I have some plants that are growing just fine but then again they are regular seeds not autos.
Have you read any articles from subcool the breeder from TGA?
I would like to learn as much information as possible about growing but need facts behind the words.
I would think layering organic & super soil would be ok as they are pretty similar.
When layering becomes a problem is when you have layers like perlite on top, then soil, then lava rocks on the bottom for example.
That sort of layering creates raised water tables & can easily cause overwatering and also reduces room for roots.

i agree. and thanks for the extra confirmation Thai buddha man.