Dinafem Dinafem Moby Dick auto, keeping it alive

Oct 17, 2016
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Hey, I've got a few femmed seeds of the original Dinafem Moby Dick auto. They are a bit older, from 2017 and their germination rate is pretty bad as they've not been properly stored. Does anyone want a bag of seeds and do an STS run to make fresh ones? I'm currently busy growing something else but would love to keep the genetic alive, it was always a nice plant and smoke.
Hey, I've got a few femmed seeds of the original Dinafem Moby Dick auto. They are a bit older, from 2017 and their germination rate is pretty bad as they've not been properly stored. Does anyone want a bag of seeds and do an STS run to make fresh ones? I'm currently busy growing something else but would love to keep the genetic alive, it was always a nice plant and smoke.
I would keep them alive mate. I made a cross with dinafem blue cheese to make my slaughtered lamb strain . I also used dinafem critical Jack to make my bronson strain. I promise to make more of the moby dick if you would like ? I'm an official AFN breeder/vendor .
I have helped quite a few growers keep a strain alive for them. It's part of what I do.
If you are interested just let me know.
Peace ✌️
Sawney :devil: