Did I kill them

Is that a Photoperiod or autoflower? This will be a big difference in ppm levels.. And as mentioned above, are you in soil? If so that PH is too high, you should be right about 6.5 give or take a points.

Without a water report you can't be for sure what is in it. A lot of times well water that is that hard has a high calcium content. I would hide the cal mag from yourself.

You might consider using some water from an alternative source, maybe mix it half and half. Usually the recommended feed cycle for soil is water water feed.

The high ph, combined with hard well water is a recipe for lockout.
Sorry I didn't see a tag :shrug: anyhow :yeahthat: I think you are on the right trail chasing down the problem of too much calcium and nutrients all together.

I still am not sure we are talking the same scale so here is a chart.

PH was just the water.
PPM is out of the tap.
PPM nutes 1227
not sure of the scale us/cm is water 953 nutes 2585

also way to high imo. ~1.3 ec start to finish maybe 1.5 since your tap is so high.

pH of growing medium is what matters. But I doubt your medium is so low that over 7 is good to water with.
Thanks for checking in @Mañ'O'Green I knew you would be back. This is the guy that can get scientific with it.

As far as autoflowers go, it seems as most folks settle somewhere in between 350-750ish ppms. This is the 500 scale.

Just the levels of feed and the frequency your girl has been getting are sure to cause lockout, then you have the hard water on top of it.