You can generally go to the supplier website. Delicious Seeds has 5 NL Blue Autos for 35 Euros, they're 43 Euros at Attitude. The downside is you sometimes have to pay taxes depending on where the supplier is, and you're often restricted to buying just the one brand of seeds. I've checked Delicious, World of Seeds, Sweet Seeds, Nirvana and one or two others, and I've never seen the suppliers have seeds for 1/2 price compared to Attitude, but you can save a good bit of money.
If you call the Attitude and tell them you can get the seeds for much less from the suppliers website, they WILL match the price. The only negative aspect is you have to place your order over the phone. They did it for me when I found World of Seeds "Afghan Kush Ryder" was almost ten U.S. dollars less on the WOS's site. BTW: I just placed an order with Attitude on Wednesday and one of my freebies is "Delicious Seeds Auto Northern Light Blue"! Peace!