New Grower Delicious Seeds - La Frutta Di VenusVenus

Ok heres an update on ms venus
She has a few little burn spots on her
Iono if i dropped some water on her a few places when feeding or what but im keepin a watch on that.......ive nipped a few leaves here and there on her on a few leaves so she isnt being eaten just so ya know if ya notice a few pedals missing tips or sumthn......
Thanks fellas
App it hazy
Glad i have knowledgable ppl w me on these really
Inexperience will get most ppl everytime
So it helps knowing u guys are checkin up on mine and me every once in a while
App you brother
For real i do

I did the same thing w this as my berry ryder
Had to flush her out this morning and put her bloom nutes back in her pot for her
I HAD to have just gotten confused and given my flowering plants grow nutes
Need to refrain from smoking before feeding the ladies i reckon
Thank god these are resilient lil puppies
This is the same way my berry ryder was doin
Drooping fairly bad
So i did the same for her this morning
Flushed and renuted w the CORRECT nutes this time

I also used you fish mix on her @Hazy so maybe ill notice a diff
Man that shit stinks tho brother
It was all i could do to not let my dinner make a 2nd appearance when i cracked the lid on that bitch
Has to be good stuff if it parts your nose hairs
Thabks again everyone
Very thankful for every single person on here following and liking

Man that shit stinks tho brother
It was all i could do to not let my dinner make a 2nd appearance when i cracked the lid on that bitch
Has to be good stuff if it parts your nose hairs

Oh did i fail to mention the lovely aroma of dead rotting fish…oops…lol.
I guess i shouldve known
But no matter the preparation, i still think it would gag a maggot......
I guess i shouldve known
But no matter the preparation, i still think it would gag a maggot......

And what ever you do, don't spill that shit, I spilled a load in my last grow space and the extractor was blowing that smell out for at least a week and when it dries….don't smell it ..or there's a good chance you'll empty your guts quick time. Enjoy the wonderful world of Fish-Mix..haha
Hahahah thanks for the headz up bubby

I app u droppin any knowledge you care to take the time too
I always stick w reccomended dosages on my nutes but i did a lil experimentation on this one today.........i "Overfed" her a bit to see if she could handle it
Shes got a few spots on her im showing a lil concern over and figured id dose her real good and healthy and see if shed sttaighten up or burn a bit
Either way
She was a freebie and ive heard not so great things ab freebies from the bank i ise so i never expect amazement honestly
If it turns out that way then a big fuckin' a for me
Thanks everyone
Justa quickie in the tent
