Grow Mediums Dehumidifier

Dec 16, 2014
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Hi All,

I'm only wandering is it possible to re use water from dehumidifier for mix nutrients?

It's about 10ppm so can't be bad.
Found online that it's not recommended for watering fruits as there might be traces of heavy metals like copper and possibly some micro germs...

What do you think. tried someone?

If your asking because you want to try it i would say if your not sure just dont do it.
But if your asking out of curiosity i dont really know !
@pop22 is my go to science guy for questions like this
Yes you can use the water, its essentially distilled water.

If your asking because you want to try it i would say if your not sure just dont do it.
But if your asking out of curiosity i dont really know !
@pop22 is my go to science guy for questions like this
I'm not sure. I've actually thought about that myself, but I don't think I'd do it for the simple fact that dehumidifiers pull mold and other particles from the air. Also, if you don't keep them clean they can become full of mildew. I don't think I'd wanna be dumping that in with my nutes.
Also wandering if I can put dehumidifier into small room with harvested material and speed up drying process...
Will that any affect quality?
Yes I know slow curing in jar is essential.
But will it damage crop if dried using dehumidifier?

Just bought that toy so think how to use max out of it...
As long as it doesnt bring the humidity down too low that would be fine.
The humidity and tenp of the room/tent plays a big part in drying speed.
Off the top of my head i would say you need to keep humidty around 50-60%
and temps around 20oc-70f
To much lower and they dry too fast, and loose smell and can go crispy.
Much higher and they dry too slow and theres a high chance of mould/ bud rot.