deformed/stunted(?) should I continue ?


Jul 1, 2022
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Hello Good Folks, Wonder what you folks think about this plant?
It seemed one side is deformed from the get go, not sure I can really say its stunted it coming along slower ,but deformed some what.
The other one, a day older looks fantastic !! Same strain, Mephisto Freebee , I think , (3 bears og x Toof decay)

So what to do, it's in a 5g pot of fresh median, should I try and keep her going , will she come through and fix her self and be worth the effort
or grow this way and struggle the whole way??
anyone have experience with this kind of thing, any suggestions/advice is welcomed please.
maybe I should pull it and start a new ?

here is deform. Day 16

and the other one, doing very well, one day older same strain Day 17
Hello Good Folks, Wonder what you folks think about this plant?
It seemed one side is deformed from the get go, not sure I can really say its stunted it coming along slower ,but deformed some what.
The other one, a day older looks fantastic !! Same strain, Mephisto Freebee , I think , (3 bears og x Toof decay)

So what to do, it's in a 5g pot of fresh median, should I try and keep her going , will she come through and fix her self and be worth the effort
or grow this way and struggle the whole way??
anyone have experience with this kind of thing, any suggestions/advice is welcomed please.
maybe I should pull it and start a new ?

here is deform. Day 16
View attachment 1639282View attachment 1639283

and the other one, doing very well, one day older same strain Day 17
View attachment 1639281

I’d keep it going I’ve had similar mutants..
Most of them grow out of it and turn out just fine.
I had one like that and she turned out to be very healthy although that obviously doesn’t mean yours will. I let her go just out of curiosity because I had plenty of other plants going. Its a crapshoot how she’ll turn out so I’d say it depends on how experimental your mood is. Here is mine young and a couple weeks later

If it gives you hope, I have an auto in my current grow that was deformed, and I almost pulled it on Day 23 when it was only 2” tall…and then I supercropped it when it when it was 53 Days old and 40” from the soil 🤦‍♀️
Also, if yours is slow, you could hold off on topping too and just lst as needed.
Thanks Folks !! Yeah, I have plenty of stash so I guess ill see what happens,, she should get topped in the next few days , the other one was topped today at day 18.
Hoping for the best, Thanks again !!
I wouldn't top it until it is back to vigorous normal growth.