dedefiencies out the wazoo!

Sep 26, 2017
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Currently Smoking
some kush a friend grew
Hey, so it all started bout 2 weeks ago, my nyc diesel started to show some yellowing on the fan leaves. So I gave em a full strenght feed
I,m using bio grow/bloom/topmax. And they're in a re used mix of coco coir, my own compost and perlite.
I was away last week and came back to this!


So I gave them another full strenght feed, this time with some magnesium sulfate (epsom salts) and a few days later I have this!

Wtf? Is this some sort of nutrient lock out? I havent got a ph meter but did an aul school book chem test and its definitely more acidic than when I tested it before my last run.

Im super tight on cash, so any cheap, organic or ktchen science solutions would be awesome!!!
Man. Its tough to adjust ph with out a meter. But i would bet the buck in my pocket that is the issue.
I wish i had some advice on adjusting with out a meter. If using soil you want the ph right about 6.3
If coco then 5.8.
Really hard to gauge level of acidity using the foam method. Since both are acidic ph levels you are looking for.

I wish i had good advice to help with your grow man.
But i will offer advice on a ph pen.
Dont waste money on strip tests. Or cheapo pen meters.
The strips can work in a pinch. More accurately than fizz lol. But do save and invest into a good meter.
I was having issues for the same reasons. Tried getting by with out one.
My tap water is 8.4 ish so i had all kinds of issues.

Also. May check into water source of using city water. Chlorine is not great but its ok. Chloromine or how ever its spelled. I believe is very toxic. But i may be giving false information on that.

Hope you get it figured out my man.
Man. Its tough to adjust ph with out a meter. But i would bet the buck in my pocket that is the issue.
I wish i had some advice on adjusting with out a meter. If using soil you want the ph right about 6.3
If coco then 5.8.
Really hard to gauge level of acidity using the foam method. Since both are acidic ph levels you are looking for.

I wish i had good advice to help with your grow man.
But i will offer advice on a ph pen.
Dont waste money on strip tests. Or cheapo pen meters.
The strips can work in a pinch. More accurately than fizz lol. But do save and invest into a good meter.
I was having issues for the same reasons. Tried getting by with out one.
My tap water is 8.4 ish so i had all kinds of issues.

Also. May check into water source of using city water. Chlorine is not great but its ok. Chloromine or how ever its spelled. I believe is very toxic. But i may be giving false information on that.

Hope you get it figured out my man.

Honestly man I have my eye on one, 80 quid tho! Lol
I think I fucked myself by re using the soil, my first run was grand using my tap water (I fill a 30lt drum and leave it sit open till imake up feeds).
At least its just the one!
Ill prick about and try save her but pick up some biobizz pre mix for my next round!

But... yea ill need to get that meter if I wanna get the best bang for my buck!

Cheers mate
Honestly man I have my eye on one, 80 quid tho! Lol
I think I fucked myself by re using the soil, my first run was grand using my tap water (I fill a 30lt drum and leave it sit open till imake up feeds).
At least its just the one!
Ill prick about and try save her but pick up some biobizz pre mix for my next round!

But... yea ill need to get that meter if I wanna get the best bang for my buck!

Cheers mate
No probs man. Good luck.
Yeah, using a ph meter would be fine.
First pic should be calmag def and the last pic is just overfeed and burned, what is full strength nutes ec/ppm?
Honestly mate I haven't a clue, I thought ppm/ec only came into play with hydro?

Im gonna flush her with distilled water and just water her with distilled till she finishes of her own accord lol

Get some proper soil/equipment for the next run. Tis a tricksy hobby!!

Nice one
Well, i like to know the ppm of my nute solution runin and better also runoff,
If you have a fresh soil/coco mix with manure. It's good to add mycos and let it cool for a month. Should be good till flower with cal/mag and water if done right.
:toke:-- no doubt, there's a few things going TARFU here,... I suspect a pH lockout issue, and/or a nute salt build-up problem,... custom blending with coco especially, and double ditto for reuse without serious rinsing and resetting the CEC of the coco is probably behind this,....also, even organic nutes, in-pot pH can get out of range using them,... I see Ca, Mg and likely P defc.'s here,...

the fix, w/o proper equipment, is going to be a real gamble,... only "safe" choice is to flush with low ppm water, 2-3x pot volume, done in under 20 min (don't want to smother roots for long),... in coco, you'd normally be checking pH and r-o for ppm/EC to make sure you don't have build-up,.. running 15-20% r-o each feeding,... with the other stuff in there, it makes matters worse; you're caught in between soilless and true soil, and coco cannot be treated like true soil, too many big differences,... it's a common component in true soils, but if it's the majority component, you need to treat it like straight coco,...