pardon, got behind here!
OK, those type pH probes are dubious for accuracy, just so you know. For that type of probe, the Accurate 8 (CWP) soil pH probe is a good buy; mine has served well for years now!
That said, the readings aren't showing anything alarming, a bit high up top as mentioned...That it gets more acidic deeper is normal, and that it varies with depth and proximity to the root zone is also normal-

....... roger that on the water....
B-52 is common formulation generally, several other companies make a similar product-- amino's, Vit's (B mainly), some may have rooting hormones.. It's fine to use pretty much any time, but consult the AN feed chart on that... I say you did no harm at all using it!
Lowers are being tapped for what mobile (within the plant) nutes they contain, since basically no feeds have gone in, right, no grow nutes? Frankly I'm shocked she looks as good as she does

.... otherwise, the tip yellowing is likely Zn defc. starting, or another micronute.... Get on the feeds ASAP!
Follow AN's recommendations best you can... Your tap water, is it known to be hard (full of mineral CaCO3)? This can make the AN "self-pH'ing" struggle if it's bad enough,... meantime, when mixing the nutes, don't pH adjust it before, mix as normal and see what the pH ends up at.
So, your pH might be a tad high, but I'm betting it's more likely a lack-of causing the defc., not so much high pH, but it's a factor to watch for sure! Also keep in mind that AN's self- pH'ing works in solution only, it's doesn't hold up well once in the pot, too many other influencing factors in there....